Chapter 268

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Review, please. Zero you really screwed up this time. :(

Chapter 268, not understanding.

After dinner Zero heads to bed. In an empty bed. Now knowing. What it felt like to Yuki all those months, he stays away from her. Not only sexually, in every way. How that had to drive her insane. Yet she stayed. How depressed, she would get. How hurt. How he took everything good from her away. For stupid jealousy. For wanting control. Its two am and he can't stop thinking about her. He calls her again, still no answer. He knows. She isn't sleeping. She can't sleep well when she isn't next to him. Yet she still won't answer the phone. SHe isn't ready to make up yet. Would she ever be? Zero thought.

Morning comes, Zero gets the kids ready for school and himself ready for work. Still no sign of Yuki calling. He leaves it be. Figuring maybe later today. Or at least hoping. He gets in the car and heads to work. Going to his office. Where Yagari is waiting in his office.

"Sorry man. I didn't know. She was right behind us yesterday." Yagari states. "I didn't either. I guess in a way it was better she found out. IF we can get over this. Then we should be fine. I will see if she goes to him now. It will tell the tale." Zero states. "Are you still on the kick? What the hell is wrong with you? I know he has always been in your life. But this is ridiculous. You're screwing your relationship up on purpose. She was pissed yesterday." Yagari answers. "She is still pissed. I don't know what it is. Ever since what happened. I feel less in control of myself. Of anything. I am still dealing with the backlash from it. And I just need to know. IF she is really going to stay. I know its dumb. I know she didn't do anything. I even know my reasonings are not right. I just can't help it." Zero replies. "I think, you're dealing with PSD from the beatdown. That was a lot for you to handle. Especially after hearing how strong you are. You thought nothing could touch you. Then boom. I don't think any of this has to do with Yuki. You are just taking it out on her. Which isn't fair." Yagari remarks.

 "I know. I started it now. I will end it. Then, either way, it turns out. I will leave it be." Zero answers. "I think you need to go to therapy. To talk about what took place. Maybe even talk about all the shit you hold against Kaname. That way if you get loud and crazy with the therapist. You're not hurting Yuki." Yagari comments. "Maybe. We will see." Zero answers. "Don't you miss her? Don't you miss what you had?" Yagari asks. "Yes. ALot. I noticed last night what I was making her go through all this time. I felt terrible. I can't go back and change it. Just give her time. ANd hope she forgives me again." Zero responds.

Back at the Cafe, Yuki is working or at least trying to. Leaving her phone in her office. Not even caring if it rings or not. She doesn't want to know. She is still mega pissed and hurt. At lunch, Kaname comes in. Feeling she needed someone real to talk to. When he enters she just runs to him. Giving him a very tight long hug. He holds he tightly kissing her head. Telling her everything will be ok. Tears streaming down her face. Letting all the hurt out.

"Hey, it will be ok. You know how he is." Kaname says. Lightly petting her head. "How could he? Why? We don't even see each other often. I have done my best to stay away from you." Yuki says through her tears. " Its just a lot for him. He went through something that was traumatizing. He is taking it out on you." Kaname admits. "He needs to grow up. He is being foolish. Not about what happened to him. But about us." Yuki answers. "Really? What do you think he would have said. If he saw you a few minutes ago. The way you ran to me. The way I am holding you at the moment?" Kaname responds. "I wouldn't be here in your arms. If he wasn't such an ass. I haven't talked to anyone since yesterday. Seeing you was refreshing. I knew I could tell you. That you would be here for me. He hasn't been. We had a few days of wonderfulness. Then this shit." Yuki states. "I was going to say. Didn't you to get back to yourselves before you found out?" Kaname asks. "Yes. it was great. But now I don't even know. Why he did it? Was it a pity fuck? Just because he knew how low I was? I don't trust his actions." Yuki admits. "A pity fuck? Wow. I don't think that was it. He cares. He just overdoes things. He is drama at times. You always said that is what Zero was. Shouldn't you be use to it by now?" Kaname states. "NO. I'm tired of it. I am tired of it all. I always hated it. Just always let him get away with it. Like you always say. I can't anymore. We are over 60 Kaname. We are not children anymore. I want a normal relationship." Yuki states. "Well, Than tell him that. It's your choice Yuki. I am not getting into. I know better. I have more to lose this time. I can't. I love you with all my being. I just know better."Kaname responds. I understand." Yuki answers.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now