Chapter 231 Reminse

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Chapter 231 Reminse.

Zero goes back to the Sun Dorm. Going into Kain's Office. There are Yuki and Yagari. They all wanted to know. What he found out from Nezera.

"So boy. What are we looking at?" Yagari asks. "Nezera did come out and say Victor is his father. He didn't deny it. He said. He is a powerful demon. That he knew Kaname from before and worked with Rido on bringing him back. He wanted to work with Kaname in the past. Stating that Kaname is extremely strong and powerful. He has powers to be able to fight the demons." Zero states. "Then why didn't her kill Mika?" Yagari asks. "Not sure. Maybe he doesn't know all the powers he has in this life. He was reborn. He said that Kaname is worse than we ever thought. He is wicked." Zero says looking at Yuki. Yuki not showing any emotion. Just listening. "That still doesn't let us know what he is here for." Kain states. "No, but I believe it has something to do with Kaname. And his powers. Maybe he just wants to be as powerful as him. Which I don't see how he can take his powers? Or maybe he wants him to be on his side? For whatever he is planning. We all know Kaname can take care of himself. From what I heard He could take us all out." Zero admits. "We already knew that shit. It's nothing new. We just never had to fear Kaname. He worked with us. Not against us. We would like to keep it that way." Yagari states. "True." Kaien Replies.

Zero and Yuki walk out of the office. They walk down the hall. Going outside on the grounds walking hand in hand. "I didn't mention anything but Nezera stated that Kaname isn't your brother." Zero states. "I know. He is still my ancestor. We say he is my brother to keep him safe. So no one will know. How really strong he is. You think about him. He doesn't really want to be King. " Yuki responds. "Yuki I know you don't see it, but he isn't what you think. He can hurt you." Zero replies. "He has hurt me. Many times. But he wouldn't use his powers against me. Or do anything on real purpose to hurt me. He hurt me because he loved me so much. There is a difference. He is capable of love. Of being a good man. I know you dislike him Zero. But he has good points too." Yuki claims. "You're just blinded by him. You always have been. I just want you to be careful."Zero says. "I am. I don't fear him. I know him better than anyone else. You can't fake our bond. Our friendship bond is strong. He wouldn't hurt me." Yuki says. "Ok. He would hurt others though. He has hurt me. He won't ever stop to get what he wants. "Zero comments. "We are all like that when we want something bad enough." Yuki answers. Moving closer to Zero. 

Yuki tries to get off the subject of Kaname. Being close to Zero. Walking the grounds and remembering, how they use to be as kids. Spending most of the night patrolling together. Side by Side. Getting little to no sleep. Comforting each other when they needed to. She wishes. She would have known her true feelings then. So things wouldn't be so complicated now. If only Zero would have told her. How he felt. Instead of pushing her away. Either way, they were together now. She wanted that to last. She felt so safe and close to him. The way she felt when they were here. She wanted that closeness to remain.

When they go back to there room. Staying in Zero's old room. Yuki sitting on the bed holding up there old uniforms. "Zero lets put them on. Let's go back to then just for a night." She says. "Really? Its been so long. Does it even fit?" Zero asks. Yuki throwing him his uniform. Zero remembered pacing up and down in this room. Choking to death. Needing her blood. Wanting her in every way you could imagine. Thinking he would never have or even see her again. While he is thinking this Yuki comes out of the bathroom wearing the uniform. Fitting her even better now. Her body has fulled out. No longer a little girl. The jacket is a little tighter due to her perfect rounder breasts. The skirt shorter due to her Firm round bottom. Zero's desires go into overdrive. As he returns to being that seventeen year old boy. Yuki just stares at him. Wearing his uniform. How he is has filled out also. His chest is more filled out. HIs body is now of a man, not a boy. She just keeps staring at him. Biting her lip and licking them. "Hey, stop that over there. That might get you into trouble." Zero says with a grin. "Then stop looking like that. Damn. Why didn't I see this when was sixteen?" Yuki says. "You were innocent. Sheltered. Not to mention I was like your brother." Zero answers. "Let's go walk the grounds. We can still watch the kids. We look young and fit right on in. Bet you can still be your grumpy self and scare them all." Yuki says with a laugh." Its what I am best at." Zero replies.

They both go out again. Guarding the Night class from the Day class. Things are smooth. They just watch Zero and Yuki and all whisper. How they were the first guardians. They have fun holding hands and just reminiscing. Going to back to Kaiens to have dinner. Sitting at the table in their uniforms as they did back then. Kaien just looking at them and smiles. "OHH, MY children. It's wonderful to have you back. Even if it's just for a night." Kaien says with tears. Yuki and Zero just smile. They eat and talk and have a nice time with Kaien. Trying to figure out, what it is that he is serving them for dinner. Glad they didn't have to eat here regularly anymore. Laughing to each other. They then head to bed in Zero's room.

CLosing the door behind them. Zero and Yuki sitting in Zero's old bed. Zero's bloodlust takes over him. like it did in the past. He just licks and bites her. Drinking from her in his bed. She does the same. Then making love in his old bed. Which they have done before but this time is different. It was going back in time. Fixing what they missed out on.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now