Chapter 277 Visit

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Chapter 277 Visit.

ZJ is the one to get the mail daily. He gets letters from his mother. He has kept that to himself. She asked him to. Her first letter to him told him. How she felt. Letting him know, she didn't leave him.

My dearest ZJ,

I just had to write you. To tell you that I love you. I am sorry for all the hurt, that I have put you through. Not only now, but your whole life. It's not something. I wanted to do. You were the child I wanted more than anything in this world. You are my heart. I wanted to give you so much more. I want you to know. I didn't leave you. I left your father, Kaname and everything else. I needed to. I needed to be free. None of this had anything to do with you, Anna or Rai. I just knew, if I kept contact both of them would of just let things go round and round. I can't do that anymore. I will always be there for you. I have enclosed my new Address. You are welcome to visit any time you want. I even made a bank account for you. So you have the funds to get to me and home. Please do not share this with your father. The less he knows where I am. Or what I am doing. The better. He needs to move on as well. He needs so much more. I want you to know. This doesn't mean I don't love your father. My heart will be with him always. But for my sanity, I had to leave. I love you always


ZJ Writes back and lets his mother know. That he has been getting her letters. That he will be visiting her really soon. That he understands and holds nothing against her.

ZJ waits till Zero is at work. Anna is with Hanabusa. He gets himself a cab and goes to see his mother. Paying with the funds she left him. He misses her and wants to make sure, she is doing ok. When he gets to her new apartment, He knocks on the door. The apartment is in the middle of the city. Where Yuki would just fall in with the other people. Not in the middle of nowhere. Where their home was.

"ZJ You came. I am so happy to see you." Yuki says answering the door. "Yes, mom. I came as soon as I got the chance. I wanted to make sure you were ok?" ZJ says. "I'm fine. I am even better now. Seeing you. Come in." Yuki responds. Yuki now lives in a first floor apartment. It has a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. Enough for one to two adults. It's clean and up to date. Yuki didn't add much to it. Just a few simple needed things. She kept it empty. Nothing like the home, she made for her and Zero. "How is everyone back home?" Yuki asks. "The kids are fine. Anna does keep asking when you're coming back. She misses you. So does dad for that matter. He isn't taking this very well. He is trying to hide it from us. But I see him crumbling." ZJ admits. 

"You tell Anna that I love her. I can send her a letter when I send you one. Please give it to her. I am sure your father will be fine. It will take some adjusting. We have been together for over 40 years. It's hard." Yuki states. "Do you miss him?" ZJ asks. "Sometimes yes. There will be things I see that remind me of him. I just know its better this way. We are not good for each other ZJ. We only bring the other pain. We can't go on like that. It's not fair to either of us." Yuki answers. "I understand that mom. I saw a lot that happened. I know you're mad at dad, but running away?" ZJ replies. "If I stayed we would only keep seeing each other. Your father pushing our bonds. It would wind up back where we started. This way, I am hoping the chains will be broken." Yuki answers. "I don't know if you're going to be happy without dad. He isn't happy without you. Not even with his full job. It turned out not to be the rush he thought it would be. He kind of regrets it." ZJ reveals. "We all have to live with our actions. Sometimes what we think we want. Isn't good for us. Or even what we thought it would be. I am sure he will figure it out." Yuki replies. "How about I take you out to lunch?" Yuki asks. "Ok, mom. Sounds good." ZJ answers.

Yuki takes Zj to a local burger joint. They sit at the counter on the bar stools letting their legs dangle. Talking and being with each other. They have a very nice afternoon. After lunch, Yuki gets him a cab. Giving him a disposable phone. "If you ever truly need me. You call me. Just please don't give this to anyone else. I trust you." Yuki says. "Ok. Mom. I will keep it in my room. Dad really doesn't go in there. He doesn't even go upstairs anymore. He uses the Family room as his bed."ZJ says. Yuki doesn't answer. She keeps any thoughts or emotions to herself. Knowing it's not her place to care anymore. She has to let it go. It's his house now. He can sleep anywhere he wanted. She left it all to him. Still in a way making sure, he was taken cared of.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now