Chapter 225 The Ball

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Chapter 225 The Ball

Kaname takes a deep breath. He feels he needs to just get this over with. He has been dreading it for weeks. The crowd is all talking. Wondering what is going on. Why the Queen isn't with the King. Seeing Zero there just made it worse. How Yuki held his hand and kissed him every chance she got. Looking at no one but him. It made Kaname scream inside. But this wasn't a news flash for him. It shouldn't really bother him. He always knew. How she felt about Zero. It's been 40 years. Why let it get to you now? The losing to Zero is really what burns him. Loosing to that of all people. A former human. Kaname thinks to himself. As he gets up on the stage. All eyes on him.

"I know our guests have some questions. I am here to answer them as best as I could. Would my Queen come up here with me? Zero and Martha also, please. Yuki walks up to the stage holding Zero's hand. Not letting him go. Zero also takes Martha's hand helping her onto the stage. Standing next to Kaname. "We think its about time to address what is going on. So that no one will make up things or have to ask questions. Me and Lady Yuki are no longer together romantically. We are no longer married. This is a mutual agreement. We love each other just more as best friends. I am now with the lovely Martha. Lady Yuki is now married to Zero Kiryu." Kaname admits. The crowd talking loudly. The Ohhhs and Awwws continue. "I am only really stating this. To let you all know. That we both are happy and fine with each other's choice. That we want no problems from anyone. Just because they are hunters Means nothing. They are above all people. You don't fall in love with a person for what they do for a living. You fall for them because of them. We want No harm to come to either. If it ever does, There will be a big consciousness. We will go after anyone who hurts either of them. The thoughts of them being lower than us. Or not worthy of us. It's not your choice. It's not your problem. We find them very worthy. That is all that matters!" You will also have to deal with me. No One touches Zero Or Martha. I will kill anyone who dares to. "Yuki also states. Making sure they heard it twice. From both of them. Kaname reveals. (Most of what he said bullshit. but he knew he had to.) Kaname takes Martha's hand and kisses it. Walking off the stage with her. As Yuki takes Zero's and walks with him. Smiling up at him.

The whole four of them going onto the dance floor. The music starting and they dancing with each other. The crowd just does the same. "Well, they all now know. I am married to Queen Yuki."Zero chuckles. "Yep. Is this going to lead to things we don't want?" Zero states. "I surely hope not. I did it for the freedom. To be able to have what every other couple gets to have. To let go of all the past that hurt us." Yuki states. Zero nods twirling Yuki around the dance floor. Holding her close. Kissing her lips. Not caring who sees. Her arms go around him and they dance like there is no one else there. Just the two of them.

"Looks like they are really enjoying this."Martha states. "Yes. She is happy." Kaname remarks. "I am too. I hope you are as well." Martha replies. "I am. You really do look beautiful tonight." Kaname responds. Martha smiles up at him. And they dance as well.

When the dance is over. Kaname and Martha go back to there table. Martha starved. Eating the delicious plate of food handed to her. Kaname doing the same. As they are eating. A tall Purple hair man comes to the table. "Hello, I am Victor. Not sure if you remember me from Aiko and Nezera's wedding?" Victor asks. "Yes. I remember you walking in with Khairs."Kaname replies. "Yes my dear sister."Victor states. "Funny, Kharis had no siblings. Not to mention she is dead." Kaname responds bluntly. "Don't say that too loud. You wouldn't want the others to hear the last part. Would you? I don't think you would want an investigation into what really happened to her."Victor states. "Who are you really? What do you want?" Kaname says coldly. "You will find out when the time comes. I just wanted to wish you my condolences. So sorry the Lady Yuki left you for the Hunter... Again. That must really burn you up? You can try to hide it. But really. How could you not be pissed." Victor states. "It's really none of your business. I wouldn't worry about it. If I were you." Kaname remarks. "I guess. You figured you would give the hunter a try? Seeing you're now with one also. I may have to try one out myself. It seems to be all the rage. Even Nezera married one." Victor answers. "Like I said earlier. Doesn't really matter what a person does for a living." Kaname comments. "Really. Doesn't matter. That you're the pureblood king. Now with a regular nobody? At least the Queen can say she is with the strongest Vampire Hunter alive. I can see where it turns her on. Not to mention It's because of you two. He is what he is. I bet that burns you as well." Victor responds. "Not really sure why you care. Who I am in bed with. Or the Queen. Your not even a Vampire are you?" Kaname says. His eyes gleam Red."I see your instincts are good." Victor replies. "It was good talking to you Kaname. I hope to see you again." Victor adds. "Not too soon. I hope." Kaname remarks.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now