Chapter 256 Let out.

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Chapter 256 Let out.

The next day, Zero gets up again and goes on to train and get himself together. Noticing that Yuki doesn't get up like always to make breakfast. ZJ just takes a bowl of cereal and gives it to the little kids. Getting them ready for school.

"Dad, I got you a bowl also." ZJ says. "Thank you son." Zero responds. "Mom hasn't been herself lately. I think she misses you." ZJ states. "There is a lot going on son. Nothing for you to worry about though." Zero responds." Dad, you're hurting her."ZJ replies. "I know. I do that a lot." Zero answers taking a deep breath.

ZJ takes the kids to school with him. Yuki says upstairs in bed. Where Zero goes out to train.

Kaname stops over to see how Yuki is doing. Going into the house. Where no one is. Zero is outside with Yagari. No Sign of Yuki. Kaname goes upstairs to find her in bed still. Not sleeping, just laying there.

"What's up with my girl today? It's midafternoon. You should be up and about." Kaname says."I just don't feel like it today. Kaname will you do me a favor and take the kids for a few days. They need someone and right now I am just not there." Yuki admits. "You been through a lot. You do need rest. You have been going no stop since he got hurt." Kaname says. "I am just tired. Not even sure why I am here. He doesn't need me for anything. He gets up and doesn't even look at me. He walks right by me. I'm invisible to him." Yuki cries. "Stop worrying about him. You need some time to yourself." Kaname states. "Yea I guess. When you go downstairs please put the lasagna in the oven. That way he will have something to eat." Yuki states. "Worrying about him again? My dear, what am I going to do with you?" Kaname asks. "I don't know. I am glad you come around. It's nice talking to someone." Yuki states."I told you I was here for you. I wish it wasn't like this. I wish he would grow up." Kaname remarks. "I wish he still cared." Yuki says crying into her pillow. Kaname lost on how to fix this. He stays awhile longer trying to comfort her. Then he heads downstairs. Zero coming in from outside. Seeing Kaname come from upstairs.

"What are you doing here? I thought you two weren't friends anymore. I thought I got rid of you." Zero snaps. "I guess. Not good enough. I am still here. At least one of us is anyway." Kaname remarks. "What the hell is that suppose to mean." Zero Snaps back. "I know you're going through a lot. I'm sorry. But pushing her away like this isn't going to help you."Kaname says. "What are you the relationship expert now? 1-800- Call-Kaname?" Zero hisses. "Your smartass comments isn't going to fix this Zero. She is falling apart. You're hurting her deeply. DO you really want to push her away like this? You need to think, This time if you push her way. There is no going back. Why is it everytime things are good. You always seem to screw them up again?" Kaname remarks. "GET the fuck out of my house! If she wants to see you. Go to the Cafe." Zero shouts. "So now because you don't want to talk to her. I can't either? How alone do you want her to be? You're being selfish. You need to grow up." Kaname answers. "And you need to leave. Mind your own business. Go to your own house with your own woman and tell her what to do. " Zero snaps. "If you say so. By the way. Yuki told me to put the lasagna in the oven for you. So you had something to eat. Not sure why she cares. You sure don't seem to!" Kaname comments. As he walks out the door.

Yagari standing behind Zero. "I didn't want to say this in front of him. But he is right." Yagari admits. "What you're doing. Isn't helping anyone. Unless you really don't want her anymore?" Yagari states. "Of course I want her. I just can't be what she wants." Zero states. "I think you need to ask her what she wants. Before you make a very big mistake."Yagari replies. "Yea making him pick up the pieces again. He is always here to do so." Zero comments. "She needs someone to talk to Zero. You closed her off. There is no one else here but the kids. At least she had him to talk to. " Yagari states. "I don't know. " Zero answers. "You need to figure it out. You are getting better. You are doing a lot on your own. I think you are just scared you won't get that back. You need to talk to her." Yagari suggests. "I know.

Yagari puts the lasagna in the oven and him and Zero eat. Not really saying much after all that took place. After dinner, Yagair helps clean up. Then he goes home. Zero feeling lost and down. Zero gets a plate of food and takes it upstairs to Yuki. He hasn't left their room all day.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now