Chapter 230 Power

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Chapter 230 Power!

It's been a few days and even though Zero is dreading it. He knows. He needs to go to Cross. To talk to Nezera about his real father. Yuki says. She wants to go with. So she can visit with Ai and Kaien. Also, she said it would be fun to walk the grounds together again. Like when they were kids. At Zero's birthday, they had a great time here. Going over all the things when they were young. Yuki wanted to feel that again. It brought her closer to him. He had no problem with that. Zero felt at least some part of the trip would be nice. Not to mention Yuki was spending more and more time with him. Dropping off at work on even her days off. Leaving the Cafe to spend time with him. They talked more about all kinds of things. Like they did when they were younger living at Cross. Yuki was putting more and more trust in him. LIke she did back then. The best friends that they use to be, before all the mess with Kaname and the furnace. Before they started making love and there relationship was based on that. When Zero would ask her things. She just told him as it was. Reminding him of the relationship she has with Kaname. They still talk, still close. Just both are doing there best to let go of each other in other ways.

On the way to Cross. Yuki puts the radio on. Singing in her seat all the way there. Getting Zero to sing with her on some songs. Laughing and having a very nice time. She just smiles at him. Giving him kisses and lots of attention. He feels more in love with her now. Then he ever has. Which makes him feel nervous. If she ever left him now, he didn't think he could ever pick himself back up.

Once at Cross, Yuki heads in going to talk to Ai and Kaien. While Zero heads to find and talk to Nezera. He knows Aiko would be at work. So he didn't have to deal with her being in the way. He just wondered if Nezera would answer the questions truthfully. Or if this was a total waste of his time. Either way, he felt it was something he should do. They needed more info about Victor. In One way or another, he was related to Nezera. If nothing maybe he could find out something.

Zero walks down the hall of the moon dorm and spots Nezera. "Excuse me Nezera. "May I have a word with you?" Zero asks. "Sure. What can I help you with this time?" Nezera replies. "I would like to ask a few questions about this Victor. Who keeps showing up at our events." Zero states. Nereza getting a little nervous. "What about him?"Nezera asks. "We are pretty sure. He isn't your uncle. It's been confirmed that Kharis didn't have any siblings. So that was his first mistake. We also know that Rido isn't your father." Zero responds. Nezera a little more uncomfortable. " You found out. How unfortunate." Nezera replies. "We have ways of finding out things. I just thought. I would come to ask you in person. Instead of going above you." Zero comments. "I thank you for that. It means a lot." Nezera remarks. "Unfortunately Victor is my father. I have no idea what he has planned. Or why he keeps coming around. He is very powerful in our world. I would be careful if I was you. Especially, if Mika is working with him. I know she was last time. She was his distraction." Nezera states. "I know you said you don't know what he is planning. But do you have any idea what he would want here?" Zero asks. 

"He wants power. He knows how powerful Kaname really is Zero. I am not sure if you know. But Kaname does have more secrets. He isn't Yuki's brother at all."Nezera responds. "We know. He is 10,000 years old. He's been around for a while."Zero states. "Do you know he was the first Vampire ever? The king of Kings? He holds more power than even my father. My Father and Rido wanted Kaname to reawaken. They wanted him on their side. It just didn't work the way they planned. My father went home to his world. Rido got all the blame. There wasn't much My father could do. Kaname was back into a child's body. He was no help to anyone. When Rido returned. Kaname wanted him dead. He used everything and one he could to do it. Since he couldn't himself. The only reason was that he was his Master.

I'm not sure what Kaname knows about my father. My father knows a lot about Kaname." Nezera answers. "Kaname isn't powerful enough to kill your father. None of us was able to hurt Mika."Zero remarks. "Kaname is strong enough to kill us all. Don't let him fool you. It's just he isn't used to killing Demons. He was using the wrong set of powers. But he does have it in him to kill my father. To be honest with you Zero. I am shocked Kaname let you live as long as he has. With his power and influence, he could have killed you years ago. It just shows he has a heart because of Yuki. Let me tell you. Otherwise, he doesn't. The man my father knew before Kaname was reborn, had no soul. This one only uses you to his advantage. Once his is done with you. He might not kill you but he discards you. Yuki and you haven't really seen Kaname in action. You have just been going around in circles because of Yuki. You never really got down and dirty with him. He isn't anything you think he is." Nezera states."I never thought he was. I only bother with him. because I have to. I know he is a scheming bastard. He helped cause a lot of damage between me and Yuki. I believe he is making her more and more like him." Zero admits. "She has it in her as well. They do come from the same bloodline. She might not be as evil, but I have seen flashes of him in her at times. She is pretty powerful herself. There are powers she has, she doesn't know about. Purebloods alone have powers that equal no other. Her being related to Kaname makes them even stronger. His blood is stronger than most."Nezera reveals. "I thank you for telling me the truth. I know your father is up to something and we are going to keep our eyes out. We may need your help in the future." Zero answers. "I am here. Whatever you need." Nezera states.

Zero walks away a little uneasy. He knew Kaname was a Prick. He knew he was strong. He just didn't know he was like this. The king of kings? Looks like the King has been coming undone lately. Not to mention the King of Kings lost his girl to Zero. He knew that had to burn him up even more. What did Nezara mean that Kaname had the power to kill the Demons? He just wasn't using the right ones? He may need to talk to him about this. Kaname was going to have to find the right ones. If they were going up against this.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now