Chapter 205 Kaname opening up

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Chapter 205 Kaname opening up.

It's been a week later. Zero is still doing his best to get over everything that has happened. Yuki and he still haven't made love. They spend more time together. Zero is trying to rebuild what they lost. He hasn't really gone on the field that much either this week. His mind wasn't on anything but Yuki. All he could think of is those six months of heaven. How he would get back there no matter what it took. Granted there relationship wasn't bad at the moment. They were happy together. Just he never thought the sexual part of there relationship would stop. He missed her all over him. He honestly missed the control he had over her with it. It was weird to him, to touch her and she had no reaction. It was something he wasn't use to.

While sitting at his desk, Kaname enters his office. "I just came by to let you know. I am home. I was also looking for Martha." Kaname admits. "She is around. I can call her to come to my office if you like?" Zero asks. "Thank you, That would be great. How are you and Yuki doing?" Kamane asks. "We are ok. We talked. We are working on our intimacy. Something that never needed work before." Zero admits. "Heh, Yea I know. Never thought. I would see the day. Maybe you can take this opportunity to grow in other ways. Have a bond that's not just sexual." Kaname replies. "I have thought of that. It seems. Its what is happening now. We spend time together, Talking and doing other things. It's nice. I just get worried without the bonds. If it will last." Zero confides. "Zero it would take a lot for her to ever give up on you. Or even leave you for that matter. You just need to take it slow. I am sure you will get the other back as well."Kaname responds. "Not to get off the subject but Martha really missed you. She has been a reck since you been gone. Whatever you do. Please take it easy on her." Zero comments. "I intend to. I really don't want to hurt her either. This is just hard for me." Kaname admits. 

"I understand. I don't think I could do it. I only want Yuki. No one else." Zero states. "Well, you have that option. I don't. After her almost killing herself over you leaving. I don't think she will ever be with me. Even after you're gone." Kamane remarks. "Why didn't you tell me?" Zero asks. "Because that was for her to tell you. Not me. I kept telling her to confide in you about that night. She just didn't want to hurt you. Make you feel more guilty. It's always about your protection."Kaname says. "I wish. She would stop that. Old habits are hard to break. I know. She just wants to watch over me. Sometimes I just wish she would talk to me. Not hold everything in. That she would talk to me like she does you." Zero admits. "You two were getting there before this took place. I am sure you can get it back. Grow on it. You just need to keep your cool. She isn't going to sleep with me Zero. You need to let go of that." Kaname replies. "She isn't sleeping with me either at the moment. I also know. I need to keep my anger under control. I was doing that. I intend on doing that again. Now that your back. Will you two still be doing the nightly calls?"Zero asks. 'No. When I want to talk to her. I will go to the cafe. We will keep our plan like we did before. We didn't go to each other's houses. Just saw each other at the Cafe. Your nights will go back to your own. To be honest with you, I think she stayed on most of the night To avoid you. She was waiting for you to go to bed." Kaname admits. "I noticed that. She was scared. I would want to make love. So she stayed away. She is doing better." Zero states. "If you don't mind calling Martha now. I would like to speak to her." Kaname remarks. "Sure." Zero states.

Zero calls Martha into his office. Martha walks into Zero's office, Spotting Kaname looking at the window. Her heart drops. She can't hold her tears back. "I will leave you two alone."Zero says walking out the door. Closing it behind him. "I see your back." Martha states. Wiping her eyes trying to be strong. "Yes. I wanted to see you. I thought a lot about you while I was gone."Kamane states. "Are you hear to break up with me Kaname?" Martha asks. "No. Unless you want to?" Kaname asks. "No. Not at all. I missed you. I just need to know where I stand in this." Martha asks. " I did some soul searching, while I was gone. I know. Yuki isn't ever really going to be mine. I know Zero won. Nothing will ever change that. He is here to stay. I need to let go and have my own life."Kaname remarks. "Do you want me in your life?" Martha asks. " Yes. I do still have to warn you. I am not used to any of this. Yuki will still always be in our lives. I have two children with her. We share a very close friendship bond. I don't want to lose that. If you can't take that she is my friend. Then There is no sense in getting back together." Kaname states. "I can handle friends. I just can't handle you wanting to sleep with her. Doing it behind my back." Martha replies. "You won't have to worry. That won't be happening anymore." Kaname comments. 

"Where is this relationship going? You won't even let me meet your son." Martha responds. "I was thinking that maybe you could move into the Townhouse. I Could take you and Rai out to dinner to get to know each other. What do you think? Kaname asks. Mr. Smooth walking over to Martha, Looking into her eyes. "I think that would be great." Martha says excitedly. Wrapping her arms around Kaname and giving him a kiss. " You can bring some of your stuff over tonight. I will be waiting for you." Kaname answers. Opening Zero's office door. "I will be there." Martha replies.

Zero peeks his head in. "Is it ok to come in?" Zero asks. Seeing Martha in a better mood. "Yes Please do. Would it be ok if I left early today?" Martha asks. "Sure. May I ask why?" Zero asks. "Because I am moving my stuff to Kaname's." Martha says happily looking at Kaname."By all means. Please take the day off and even tomorrow." Zero responds overjoyed. Kaname just looking at Zero's reaction. "Well from your reaction you would have thought I was making you move in." Kaname comments. "Very funny. I am glad to see you two back together." Zero remarks. Kaname and Martha walk out together. Hand in hand. Martha just looking up at Kaname. Like Yuki use to.

Kaname wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but he felt he needed to try. That he was just wasting his life away. Instead of sharing it with someone who really wanted to be with him. He knew. He could get hurt by this. He figured nothing could hurt him more than Yuki. He also understood why Zero missed the closeness of being with Yuki in a sexual way. He missed it also. He missed Being that way with Martha. Having a warm body sleep next to him. To be able to have her whenever he wanted. He got used to it. As the saying goes. If you can't be with the one you love. Love the one your with.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now