Chapter 289 Truth

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Did anyone see that coming?

Chapter 289 Truth

All that night Zero thinks about what was really going on. Now putting the puzzle pieces together. Realizing. It was why he couldn't understand. What he was doing. Why he was doing it. It made sense now. Seeing that Victor never stopped his attack. He just used something that was already in play. Not having to get himself close to them. Victor knew. He couldn't ever take down Kaname. Or get him to go on his side. He just wanted to hurt him. Bring him down a notch. Showing him. He wasn't the big bad king. He thought he was. Just in the process, he manged to take everyone out. Messing up innocent people's lives. Taking a mother away from her children. He also thought about it wasn't all the poison in making Yuki leave. It was her own choice. Just to get away from them. To break free. She tried so many times too in the past. Now it just worked. It hurt him to think, she thought he really pushed her away. Now that he took the antidote he felt more himself. His mind wasn't fuzzy. He was ok walking in the parking lot. But most of all he wasn't always asking himself. Why he did something so stupid. He knew it wasn't all himself.

The next day Zero goes to Yagari's Office. Not knowing what he is going to say. But hoping he would at least let Yuki know it wasn't him.

"Yagari may I speak to you for a minute?" Zero asks. "Sure. Come in. What's on your mind?" Yagari asks. "I found out something yesterday. I need you to let Yuki know something. I don't think it will change anything but I need her to know." Zero states. "Ok. What is it?" Yagari asks. "It was the poison. It never got out of my system. It used what I was most afraid of against me. Pushing her away. Through our lovemaking, it entered her as well. Its what let her stay away from me. What pushed her away from me at the start. I need her to know it wasn't us. I would never do that to her. I love her dearly." Zero comments. "So you found this out how?" Yagari asks. "A blood test. Hanabusa gave me the antidote yesterday. He will check my blood in a few days to make sure it's gone. Its what Victor used to get back at Kaname." Zero remarks. "Well, he took down everyone at once. Wasn't he smart? No one even suspected it. Talk about a smart ass." Yagari answers. "I know. I just want her to know. I'm sorry."Zero replies. "I will let her know. I think she has a right to know. Just as you said. I don't think it will change much. She is happy where she is." Yagari answers. "At least she will know what went wrong." Zero responds. "True." Yagari remarks.

The following Saturday Yagari goes to Yuki's apartment. Bringing pizza and beer. There weekly thing to hang out and eat. Which they both looked forward to.

"Hey, girly. I got the pizza and beer." Yagari says with a smile. "Sounds good. Just put it on the table. I will be right there." Yuki states. "I also have some information for you. I don't know how you're going to react." Yagari answers. "Oh great. Now what?" Yuki states. "Hanabusa tested Zero's blood. It seems the poison never left. It just controlled him. Into pushing you away. It wasn't his doing. It was the poison. The poison also entered you, through Zero, pushing you away from him."Yagari remarks. "So I was used to hurt them both again?" Yuki says. "It looks that way. He was really after Kaname but took down everyone." Yagari admits. "Now no one could use me. I am no ones. It just makes me know I did the right thing." Yuki answers. "He loves you Yuki. He misses you like crazy."Yagari states. "I miss him too. I just can't let him get hurt because of me anymore. Or Kaname. " Yuki comments. "I think you should talk to him. Give him a chance." Yagari replies. "I can't. I can't be near him in any way. He can't touch me." Yuki says with a panic. "So the bond is still there? How about if I said he tried to move on. He had a one night stand?" Yagari says. Watching Yuki's face. Which turns pale and her eyes turn red. "I would say good. He is moving on."SHe replies looking down at the pizza. "Stop lying to me. I saw the flash of red in your eyes. You would tear the woman to shreds or send them to nowhere land. LIke you did that poor other women." Yagari laughs."It's not my place anymore. He isn't mine anymore." Yuki says. "Bullshit. Don't you play that with me. You two belong to each other. Nothing is ever going to stop that. I learned that a long time ago. So did you before all this shit took place. You gave in to your fears. You gave into him. You both were happy." Yagari comments. "Never for long. Something always got in the way." Yuki states. "That never stopped you two before." Yagari replies.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now