Chapter 219 Transfer

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Chapter 219 Transfer!

The next day Yuki did a lot of thinking. She knows to set her mind at ease about the blonde. She needs to do something. Nothing terrible. Not hurting her. Just making sure she stays away from Zero.

After Zero drops her off at the Cafe. She takes a cab to the Association. Not wanting Zero to know. She is going to talk to Yagari. She isn't going to lie to Zero or hide it. Just at the moment. She wanted it to done before letting him know anything about it. The cab drops her off. She goes into the Association up to Yagari's office. She knocks on his door.

"Cone In." Yagari states. Yuki walks in. Sitting down in front of Yagari's desk. "Yuki, What brings you here? It's a pleasant surprise." Yagari remarks. "I need to speak to you. I need you to do me a favor." Yuki comments. "Sure. Anything I can do to help." I know. You know what took place at the conference. You were there." Yuki states coldly. "Oh, That. I'm sorry Yuki. I guess. It was sort of my fault. I am the one who dragged Zero out that night. He didn't do anything though. He really does love you." Yagari states. "I know. I need you to transfer the woman to another office. One far away from Zero. Offer her anything she wants. Just get her out of here."Yuki admits. "Don't you think that is going a bit far? It was just a kiss." Yagari answers. "Maybe. I just can't let what happened with Kharis. Happen again. I need peace of mind. I know my jealousy over Zero. Takes hold of me. I don't want another fire in the association to happen. I am trying to keep my calm. She visited Zero yesterday. While I was there. I know she wanted to say she was sorry for what took place. I just feel, if she really does have feelings for him. She will make sure she bumps into him again. More can come out of it. This way she won't be here."Yuki explains. "You want another office in another state. I take it?" Yagari asks. "Yes. Far away. Offer her housing, a car. a pay increase. Make it worth her while." Yuki states. "And if she doesn't' except?" Yagari asks. 

"Then fire her. I think with all your offering if she truly wants this job. She will except. If not. it's time for her to move on."Yuki adds. "We don't normally offer this to workers. The house and all that. We are not funded for that." Yagari remarks. "Don't worry about it. Just send the balance to me. I will take care of it. Just make sure it's all within reason. "Yuki replies. "You got it. You know you can't do this to every woman that looks at him." Yagari points out. "I know. To make myself feel at peace. I need this. We are doing our best to work at our relationship. I don't want anything coming in the way. I really want to be with him. I also know I let him have a bit of freedom. Going out on the flied. I need you to make sure. He only goes out on ones that are safe. It 'was the deal." Yuki responds. "Does Zero, know how much you really rule his job?"Yagari asks. "Some. Not all. I know he loves this job. I did my best not to take it fully away from him. Not to let my fears run his life. I just can't give up full control."Yuki answers. "You do know. You have turned into Kaname?"Yagari replies. "Yes. I see more and more. That I am going back to that. I have to find my balance. I can't be the stupid school girl. That everything hurts and destroys. I can't let my feelings always show and be so vulnerable. I also know. I can't be so cold and shut down. I am trying for a middle. I have been through so much. It's just hard at times. " Yuki admits. "I don't know how you did it. I will do as you asked on both. I am glad you trust me . To come to me with these things. It means a lot." Yagairi states. 

"You have been there for us. When we truly need it. I am very thankful to you. You have been a great friend to both of us. Yuki states. "I Am glad you know I love you both. I watched Zero Grow up. I would do anything for him. I want him happy and you make him happy." Yagari replies. "Sometimes. Sometimes I hurt him pretty well too. We manage to hurt each other pretty badly at times. I want that to stop. I want us to move on and be happy. Like we once were." Yuki responds. "You will be. You both just have to try. Staying away from Kaname wouldn't hurt either."Yagari remarks. "I know. We have cut down how much we see each other. He has Martha now also. Maybe we both can just move on now." Yuki answers.

Yuki just smiles up at him. Giving him a hug. Then she leaves the Association. Heading back to the Cafe. Feeling at peace. She isn't sure if the blonde will accept the proposal or not. BUt either way. She would be out of their lives. She was turning into Kaname. Making anything now work to her favor. Using her states to get what she needed. She has grown into the pureblood. She needed to be. It just took some time. She was doing her best to balance out her feelings. Do what Kaname does. Not letting how hurt he is show. Taking control. No one would touch Zero. She would make sure of the way Kaname protected Yuki. She would Zero. Making him untouchable. She was on the council now. People were even more scared of her then they were before. All the other council members were pretty much her family members. Other vampires knew they wouldn't go against her. They knew. Kaname adored her. Ai was their daughter. Hanabusa Thought the sun rised and shined in Kaname. Not to mention he was Zero's best friend. The rest of the Council members wouldn't do anything either. Yoshiko was married to Ren, her father being Kaname. She was stuck as well. Takama was Kaname's trusted friend. They both knew by picking these people. They would have a backup. Without any problems. Its why they chose them in the first place.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now