Chapter 305 Kaname's Surprise

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Chapter 305 Kaname's surprise.

Kaname knew that Hanabusa has left, Zero was gone and so was Yuki. He saw most through the eyes of his wolf. Which only made him sad. He knew they moved on. Doing there best to have a regular life. He was also trying to do the same. He did his best with Martha and their relationship. Even though deep down, She would never be the woman. He really loved. He just knew this lifetime would be long and lonely without anyone. He did hear what Yuki told Zero. That when he was gone, she would keep her promise to him. It made him able to go on. It made him make the decision to marry Martha. She would be in his life and his wife. He would have his family with her for now. He did tell her. That he would never make her a vampire though. He would live with her throughout her days as a human. Not wanting to make the enteral lifelong commitment to her. Knowing that in time, he would have the woman he truly wanted. Not wanting Martha in the way of that. He knew that would only Hurt her. Where this way, she would have him in his Human life. He would keep his promise to stay till the day she died. Then he would be free to move on from that. Kaname had his own secrets he was keeping. Something he would never tell anyone. It was something, he did to have the women he loved with him always. He knew it wasn't right. Or fair. And that it was going back to his deceitful self. But he didn't care. He also knew that Yuki would never find out now. She wasn't there to notice anymore. She left and if she stayed gone. She would never know the truth. At least in this lifetime. When the time would come. Then he would tell her.

Kaname was always sneaky. It was his nature. When it came to Yuki, he would do anything. He could get as crazy as Zero at times. Just not showing it. He knew why Yuki always watched and felt strange around his new son. Why it made her sad and she felt something was wrong. It was because it wasn't Martha's son at all. It was hers. Kaname kept the vile. He found at Mika's house. Filled with the sperm and eggs that were already fertilized with his sperm and her eggs. He kept them. Using one on Martha. Controlling her mind, so she didn't see. What he did. Its why the child looked so much like there son Rai. It was his true brother. The child was a pureblood. Kaname knew that would be a little hard to explain, but he would say. That he was one of the original ancestors. So the child took the pureblood. He would always make sure. He would protect him. He had something of Yuki and his from the start. The only thing was. He couldn't raise it with her. He didn't care. He had a part of her with him for always. Even though he had Ai and Rai, He wanted more. He would have as many children with Yuki as he could. She just never made that possible. She always wanted them with Zero. Its why Kaname did it this way. He knew what Martha was after, That she loved him but always wanted the money and the power. That if she was pregnant. She would try to stay with him. He made a scene of acting as if he had no clue of it. Only because of Yuki's feelings. Trying not to hurt her. Kaname knew that in the end, she would stay with Zero. That nothing would ever break them. He just made sure, He would have something of her as well. He never thought that she would of left Rai with him. Giving him full control of him. It was another reason he did what he did. Now he just got both sons to raise. He didn't mind at all. This was something he always wanted. A family with her. He just knew it wouldn't be the way. He really wanted. He had both of there sons. He would have them in the meantime. Till he could have his Yuki. In a way both the men, she loved dearly. Having huge secrets from her. Ones that involved their children.

While Kaname is sitting at his desk. The phone rings. "Hello." Kaname says." Hello there, Kaname. I just wanted to say. I was sorry for your loss." Victor states."What loss? What are you talking about now?" Kaname comments. "I see you finally lost your girl. To the Vampire hunter no less. He surely does have some kind of power over her. Doesn't he? Which is something, since your the King. Your power didn't seem to be as strong. Or you just didn't mean that much to her." Victor laughs. "She isn't my girl. SHe hasn't been for a long time. What she does isn't any of my business. We both have moved on." Kaname replies. Keeping his cool. "If you say so. We all know better Kaname. I knew. I couldn't get you any other way but through her. Her loss to you would be the most hurting. You would never give in to me. But to see you squirm was the best." Victor says. "Do you really think it's all that to be King? To have to have all this weight on your shoulders? To try your best to make the right choice, not knowing if it really is or not? To give up the people you love most because you have no time to truly be the person you need to be to them?" Kaname remarks. "You mean to tell me you don't love the power That comes with it?"Victor responds. "It gets old after awhile. You didn't have to do all this. You could have just come and talked to me. Don't you think we could come to some arrangement? Your son is married to my Neice. We are family in a way. Isn't it better for peace?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I see your point. I just never thought. You would act this way."Victor answers. "You never tried either," Kaname responds. "Maybe we can work together if you're willing. I want the power. I don't have to take yours. I just want to have some here as well. That they look up to me here." Victor answers. "As long as you don't hurt the humans or my fellow vampires. I am willing to get you what you want. You can even have Yuki's spot on the council. She gave it up and I haven't replaced her yet." Kaname states. "That would be lovely. I see this going better than I excepted." Victor states. "I want peace. No more fighting. No more harm. Leave Yuki and her Hunter alone. They don't want any part of this world anymore. Let them have what they want." Kaname says. "Still protecting her I see. If that is what you want. I will grant it. I have no use for them anymore anyway. I will take the seat."Victor comments.

After the call, Kaname sits there. Feeling you keep your enemies close. This way he could watch victor. Maybe keep things calm for now. If need be he knew. He could take him out. He was just trying to be reasonable. See how it went. Kaname was always one step ahead. That would never change. Victor thought he was smart and knew what he was doing. But with Kaname, he would never win. Kaname didn't need Victor to make Yuki go with Zero. That has happened all of there lives. There was something Zero had that Yuki just couldn't stay away from. She loved him deeply. Kaname was going to do his best to give her the life. She really wanted with Zero. Let her be happy and enjoy there time. That way when it ended. He would have her fully. He knew. She would keep her word. It was just how Yuki was. Not to mention, she really did love Kaname. She just knew the bond with Zero was way too strong to ever break. At this point, she didn't want it to. He was her life.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now