Chapter 249 Help

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Chapter 249 Help.

Kaname goes home to the Mansion and talks to Yagari Yuki and Kaien. Telling them about his phone call."I believe I did a good job of throwing him off. At least confusing him. I used my reputation as a cold bastard to make him think none of this really bothered me. Not to mention, I didn't give him any facts about Zero. He doesn't know if the poison worked or not. His minions never got to tell him. What took place. I used that against him."Kaname states. "Well if he called you. He must be here. We have to find him. So you can take care of him. Before he comes after us." Yagari says. "Yes. I am sure. You will find him. I know your good at your job."Kaname states. Walking out of his office.

"Kaname may I speak to you?" Yuki asks. "Of Course my girl. I haven't gotten to speak to you much through this. I am sure its hard for you. I am sorry."Kaname states. "No. It's not your fault. Its been a month. Zero is still out of it. Healing extremely slowly. My blood is helping but not fast enough." Yuki admits. "What do you need my dear?" Kaname asks. "I need you. I need you to please give Zero blood. You have healing powers. Stronger than mine. It will help him greatly. I only ask because I can't see him. Go throw this anymore. His face Kaname. His lovely face is hurt and beaten. I can't take it. "She cries. "For you anything," Kaname responds. "Oh, Kaname thank you so much!" Yuki says. Giving him a big hug. "I will do anything I need to. To let you know my feelings for you are true. I will never hurt your again Yuki. That is my solemn Promise to you." Kaname comments. "I am sorry for what I said. I guess. I was just going through a lot of different emotions." Yuki states. "We all were. We are at a different place now. It takes time to adjust. "Kaname remarks. "True." Yuki answers.

"I will be right up to give him blood. It should help some. It's not going to cure everything all at once though. What do you want me to concentrate on first?" Kaname asks. "His brain. Let the swelling go down. So he can be ok and wake up. Then we will work on the rest." Yuki remarks. "Ok. Sounds good.

Yuki and Kaname walk upstairs to Yuki's old bedroom. Kaname holding Yuki's hand trying to comfort her. When she looks at Zero she just crumbles. She sits in the chair and just watches Kaname. "You know everyone is going to smell this Yuki. It's going to be hard to hide it." Kaname states. "I know. I thank you for this. It means the world to me."Yuki responds. Kaname bites down on his wrist and puts it over Zero's Open mouth. Letting it run down his throat. The thick crimson liquid Filling Zero. Running through his veins. Kaname concentrates on Zero's brain. Making the swelling go down. Also working a bit on his face. So It doesn't scare Yuki so much. Not to mention it will help him see when he wakes up. Having two eyes swelled shut isn't fun. Yuki sees the swelling in Zero's eye's go down. Returning to normal. She sees Zero eyes flutter. She grabs his hand. "Zero I'm here. Come back to me please."Yuki says. As she pats his head holding his hand tightly.

"Yuki?" Zero says in a low frail voice. "Yes. My love. I am here." Yuki responds. "I feel like I been hit with a ton of bricks." Zero replies. "In a way you were. Please don't try to get up. You're still healing. Some ...things still don't work." Yuki says. "Don't work?"Zero asks. "No, you were pretty hurt. the poison in your body stopped you from healing the way you normally would. So things are still broken. With the help of Kaname. You should heal right up soon."Yuki states. "Kaname? really?" Zero huffs. "It's no time to be that way. You need to just think of getting better. It's all that's important. Once the poison is out of your system you will start healing on your own." Yuki replies. "Ok." Zero says. Yuki kissing him. I missed you so much."She says holding his hand. "I am sorry to worry you." Zero states. "As long as your back. that's all that matters." Yuki replies

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now