Chapter 221 Let's Come Out.

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Chapter 221 Let's come out.

The next day Yuki is at the Cafe. Just waiting for lunchtime. For Kaname to visit. She wants to talk to him. For him to help make everyone know. Zero's is hers. She knows in a way that will hurt him. In another way. It will help Martha and his relationship. She just hopes Kaname feels the same.

At noon. Kaname walks in like usual. Yuki already having there lunch made and waiting. Sitting at one of the tables, Just waiting for him to arrive.

"Looks like you been waiting for me?" Kaname says."Yes. I wanted to talk to you about something. I know you have a lot on your mind. I think this might help some. Maybe hurt some also. Depends on how you look at it."Yuki answers. "Well, This sounds serious. What do you have planned? I did hear that Morgan was transferred. I wonder who did that?" Kaname says with a chuckle. "Very funny. You know it was me. I had to get her away from here. I know it might not be fair. But for my sanity and for me and Zero's relationship. She had to go." Yuki replies. "If that is what you needed. That's fine with me. What else are you planning?" Kaname asks. "Well, we both know the Ball is coming up. I don't want to go there and act like we are together. The paper already stated your with Martha. Why lie? I am tired of lying. I want to go with our real partners. I want everyone to know that Zero is my husband."Yuki admits. Kaname just staring at her. "Do you think this is a good idea?" Kaname asks coldly. "Yes. No one even knows Zero is married. I'm tired of hiding it. Not to mention I think Martha would like this. Say yours with her. Make her feel special Kaname. Make her feel like she is yours. You made me feel like a princess. Like the only woman in the world. Those balls we went to were amazing. Let her feel that way." Yuki states. "I don't know. I know your obsession with him. Its whats ruling this choice. We might be the council now, but there are others out there that still won't approve of this. Not to mention Martha is a Vampire Hunter as well. A human to kick it off. This could get them both hurt."Kaname reveals.

 "Is it that you're scared they will get hurt? Or afraid everyone will know. You're really with her? She is carrying your child Kaname. It would be good for people to know you are together. Plus the paper said it a while ago and nothing happened. If they know we are together on this. No one will go against us. Just say we moved on but still are close friends. Ask Martha how she feels. What she wants." Yuki replies. "I will see. I am not sure about this. I am honestly not sure of any of this." Kaname responds. " How are you two doing?" Yuki asks. "We are doing good. We have an ultrasound coming up. To see what the baby is. Everything is going fast. She is human. the baby will be here in a few short months. I am not sure I am ready for this." Kaname states. "You took on Rai without any problems. You will be fine."Yuki comments. "He was Four. This will be an infant. I have no clue what to do with it." Kaname remarks. "It will come to you. I promise." Yuki answers. "I hope so." Kaname replies.

Kaname goes home thinking about all Yuki said. If he would do this. It would make it final they were not together. Yes, the paper already stated it. But this would be him stating it. Him giving her off to Zero. Letting the world know. Zero won. Also the fear of letting everyone know. He was with Martha. That was like starting an engagement. One he wasn't ready for. His emotions were being more rattled. Day by day. He didn't use to this. He liked the calm life he had before. Even with the want for Yuki. It was still better than this. This just made things more complicated. Adding new people to the mix to hurt and worry about.

Kaname sat at his desk. Waiting for Martha to come home from work. He was going to do what Yuki asked. See how Martha felt. He knew this would make her very happy. He just wasn't so sure it would him.

After awhile, Martha was home. Walking into his office. "Good Evening Kaname." Martha says." Good evening. May I have a word with you?" Kaname asks. "Sure. Everything ok?" Martha replies. "Yes. Everything is fine. The yearly ball is coming up. In the past. Yuki and I have gone together. Making it look like we are together. Married and happy. The paper already stated that I had an affair with you. That I am with you. Yuki suggested that at this ball. We go with our real partners. No more lying. No more hiding. What do you think?" Kaname asks. "I think that's wonderful. Would this mean I am really your girl?" Martha asks. "Yes. It would make it official. Also, Yuki wants everyone to know that Zero is her husband. That I approve of it. She approves of you. So no one will go after either of you. Which still make me worry, that if we come out like this. There may be a fool that doesn't like it. And tries to go after one of you."Kaname admits. "I knew to be with you. Wouldn't always be safe. I will be fine Kaname. I am a strong hunter. We also know that Zero can take care of himself. No matter how Yuki feels he can't and she has to protect him. He can protect himself. I know she loves him. But sometimes I find it painful. He is a grown man. the strongest vampire hunter in the world. Yes due to you and her. But still. She makes him look like this tiny shell of a person. That she has to protect. She makes him look like a wimp. Which he isn't." Martha states. "I see your point. It's just when you love someone as they do. It's like a need to protect the other. Not really meaning to make the other look weaker or frail. It's just in your heart to watch over them. You are carrying my child Martha. I feel the same way about you. I don't want you harmed in any way. I may not come off like Yuki but I do have the same concerns."Kaname reveals. "I am glad to know you care. That you want to protect me and your child. I still am not worried. I would like to come out in the open. I think it will help our relationship. " Martha states. "Then we will."Kaname agrees.

Kaname stays at his desk. Thinking of what he just agreed to. Hearing her say this makes me your girl in his mind. Replaying over and over. A pain comes over his heart. My girl. He says. My sweet girl. He repeats in his mind. Kaname fights his demons. Trying to close off his mind for the evening. Going into the dining room to have dinner with Martha. Trying to put his true feelings on the side. Even if it's just for a few hours. Sitting at the dinner table. He watches as this Small framed young woman dotes on him. Her brown long hair gleaming in the light. She looks at him with her big blue eyes like he is the only man in the world. How could he hurt her? What has he become?

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now