Chapter 286 Conversation

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Chapter 286 Conversation.

Its been almost a year Since Yuki left. Yet Zero still misses her like its the first day. Life for him still isn't what he thought it would be. Nothing really holds his interest like it used to. The only thing he has is the once a month family dinners. He sees the kids and even Kaname. Which in a way, he doesn't mind. It makes it seem like it use to. Except when he looks down at the table and she isn't there anymore. How he remembers her famous dinners. Her warmth. He finds himself thinking of her more and more. He still has Kaito following her. To make sure she is ok. Just to hear the weekly report. Even though at times its nothing major. He just likes hearing about her life.

For Yuki, she stays away from everything that was the past except Yagari. They stayed very good friends. She sees him once a week. Their relationship stayed just as friends. As The thought of more. Hurt her too much. He was Zero's friend and teacher. She just couldn't. Not to mention as hard as she tried to forget and put Zero in the past. She couldn't either. Thoughts of him would always take over her mind. She still craved him. Missing his touch. His kisses. His smiles. She just knew it was better to stay away. With Kaname, she didn't miss him as much. She had the wolf with her at all times. It kept her calm. She knew it was him. It made her feel safe. She knew. He was there in at least one form. One that wouldn't hurt anyone else. She saw ZJ once a week. He would come and tell her everything that was going on. Even taking Anna and even Rai with him once in a while. They got to see her without the back and forth constant chaos of before. It was on there time. When they could. Not forced. Kaname and Zero knew. What was going on. They let it go. Knowing the children needed to see her. It might not have been all the time, but they knew. She was there. They were now 17, 12 and 11. ZJ almost being an adult. He grew up fast. Faster than Yuki wanted. But it wasn't anything, she could do. She couldn't fix the past. Just stop it from happening again.

It was a Saturday and Yagari was stopping by. He still looked forward to seeing her. He knew nothing was ever going to come of the relationship. She was honest with him from the start. It didn't stop him from going to her. They made each other feel good. Like there was something there for each other. Without all the baggage.

"Hey, I bought some food and beer." Yagari states. "Sounds good. Maybe a movie on tv?" Yuki asks. "Sounds great. It was a busy week. I am glad its the weekend." Yagari states. "Same here. The Cafe wants to give me full time. I am not sure. I want it. I like being free. It's so much different than owning a Cafe. I am not locked in. I love it." Yuki replies. "You always loved the Cafe. You worked so hard. That place was incredible." Yagari responds. "Yes, it took over my life. I made it take the place of happiness. When things were there worse, I ran there. To forget. " Yuki admits. "I can see that. You did spend a lot of time there."Yagari states. "Yes, and if you think about it. It was during the hardest years of my life."Yuki points out. Yagari just nods his head. "I heard your granddaughter Erica wants to take it over. She is eighteen now." Yagari replies. "Yes, I heard that. Yori is dying. Hanabusa has nothing left. Erica is our grandchild. She wants to honor me and Yori by taking it over. Letting it go on." Yuki says with tears in her eyes."Hey. It's ok." Yagari says pulling Yuki closer to him. Giving her a hug. "I can't believe she will be gone. She was my best friend. We raised our children together. We even have a grandchild. They were special times. It seems they are all gone now." Yuki comments."I think its very nice of Erica to do that. Hanabusa said. He will help her run it." Yagari states."That will give him something to do. Soon Zero will be left with only Anna to take care of. ZJ is planning to work at the Association. When he turns eighteen." Yuki states.

"I know you still miss him Yuki. Do you think you can really live your life like this?" Yagari asks. "I don't see any other way. When I am there. I only make them all miserable. Zero is always going to think. I am going to Kaname. He is always obsessed with something. This way we may hurt but we can move on. Maybe in time. He will forget me." Yuki says. "Forget you? Really? Don't be naive. He is falling apart without you. It's like the first day you left him. Its been a year. It should lighten. but it hasn't. If you thought he was an ass before. He turned into even a bigger one. We all know its because he is hurting. You know how he is." Yagari remarks. "I sure do. As I always use to say. Its just Zero being Zero."Yuki says with a smile. "At least you can smile while thinking about him." Yagari remarks. "I still love him. I always will. That will never change. He has my heart. Its just better this way." Yuki comments. "If you say so. I don't really see how. You're both still suffering. Just in a different way now. You're alone. You don't deserve that."Yagari replies. "I was alone for the last year. I was there. He pushed me so far away. I know he didn't mean it. But it hurt like hell. You can't always make excuses for the ones you love. You have to see whats right in front of you. "Yuki comments. "You sure did grow up. You're for sure not the little girl from cross anymore." Yagari remarks. "That may be, But in so many ways. Zero is still the little boy from cross." Yuki answers.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now