Chapter 211

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Chapter 211 Not Telling all.

Yuki falls asleep in Zero's arms. Dead tired from not sleeping and worrying all week. Finally, at peace, she just falls asleep. Zero lightly moves her body off of him. To get up to get something to eat. He is starved. He puts his night pants on and heads downstairs. Going into the fridge where Yuki left the food. She cooked earlier waiting for him. He takes a good portion. Warms it and sits at the kitchen table. Feeling at peace himself. Happy its back. That she wants him again. Feeling they could finally move on like they were. Just now hoping nothing else gets in there way. Wanting to learn to watch, what he does and say. So he can make her even closer, Just not sexually but in every way. For the first time seeing that. Wanting to have the relationship she has with Kaname. The trust, the friendship. Zero wanted it all. He felt relief in what she told him. 

That she didn't feel stuck. That she truly wanted him. He just wanted to be the total package for her now. He finished his plate. Making sure all the doors are locked and headed back upstairs. Cuddling up to Yuki. Holding her close. Her body moving closer to him. She places her head on his chest and arms around him. "I missed you." Yuki says. "I was just downstairs eating your wonderful dinner." Zero says. "I knew after I did what I wanted to you. You would be hungry." Yuki grins. "So you had that planned huh?" Zero asks. "Yep. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Next time you have to go to the conference. I want to come with you." Yuki states. "Oh, really?" Zero says with a smirk. "Yes. I don't want to be away from you like that again. I know it was just a week but I want to be with you." Yuki states. "Ok. Yuki I have been thinking. I want us to be close on every level. I know I keep saying it. But I want you to trust me with telling me things.

 We were best friends in school. You trusted me. You felt safe with me. I want that again. I don't want to only be close in the sex. Don't get me wrong. I missed it. I want it. I just want our relationship to be built on more." Zero admits. "That's wonderful. I want the same. I always have. We had it. Those six months were incredible Zero. I never felt closer to you. We both just have to learn to react differently when things don't go our way. We love each other so much. That we just let our emotions run away with us. When either of us hears something. We make a deal to just go to the other and talk it out. Listen before reacting? What do you think?" Yuki asks. "I think that's a great idea. You have a deal." Zero says kissing her forehead. " I love you Zero. More now than ever. I give you my Heart, My Body, and My Soul." Yuki states. "I also give you My Heart Which you always had. My Body and My Soul."Zero Replies. Kissing her again holding her close. Making love to her. They spend the night in bed close together. Happy to move on.

The next morning. Zero wakes up. Yuki still sleeping. Which he understands. He goes downstairs and gets them some breakfast. It's Saturday so no work for either of them. The kids are at Kaname's. They have the weekend to themselves. Which they need. They are right on track and Zero wants it to stay that way. He goes upstairs with the breakfast. Placing it on the dresser as he wakes Yuki up. "Morning Sleepyhead. It's time for breakfast." Zero says. Yuki wakes up, to the smell of coffee and pancakes. Her and Zero eat breakfast together. Enjoying each other. They spend more of the morning/afternoon in bed. Watching tv, making love and just being together. The way it was before. Both very happy and content.

The next day comes Yuki gets up. A little more rested then she was. She figures on doing some laundry. Getting some things done for the week. She goes to Zero's suitcase, to unpack it for him and wash his clothes. As she is unpacking his clothes. She finds one of his white shirts with lipstick on the collar. Panic hits her. Then she remembers what she told Zero. Ask before overreacting. Keep calm. There is probably a reasonable reason for this. She goes to Zero's office holding the shirt. Knocking on his door. "Zero may I come in?" Yuki asks. "Sure, babe come in."Zero says. "Zero. I found this in your suitcase. May I ask why there is lipstick on the collar? It's not mine." Yuki says in a calm voice." Zero's heart stops as he tries to think fast. "Oh, That. It's nothing. Martha got a bit drunk and almost clasped in the elevator. I helped her to her room. It must be hers."Zero states. "Oh. That was nice of you. I didn't see her as the type to get drunk. Guess you never know huh?" Yuki answers. "Yea. She just let go. Wasn't anything big. "Zero states. "Ok. Just thought I would ask." Yuki says going over to kiss Zero." Thank you for asking, and keeping the end of the deal." Zero replies. "No problem. Told you. I would." Yuki responds. Walking out of the office. Going on to her chores. Thinking nothing more of it.

Zero is in his office, Now a little nervous. He hurries and calls Martha. "Hey, I need you to do me a favor. If Yuki asks you about the conference, about you getting drunk me taking you to your room. Please tell her it was true." Zero says. "Wait, what?"Martha asks. "I didn't get drunk." Martha answers. "I know. Just say you did, and I helped you to your room. Please. I will explain more at work."Zero pleads. "Ok. I will. I hope everything is ok Zero?" Martha asks. "Yes, all is great. Its why I need your help." Zero states. "Ok. You got it."

Zero gets off the phone. Feeling a little relieved now. Yet knowing that this was going against the deal. That he should tell Yuki what really took place. Just worried to rock what they just shared. Things going back to normal. It wasn't a big deal. One small white lie couldn't hurt.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now