Chapter 243 Taken

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Chapter 243 Taken.

Zero locks up and heads to the parking lot. Sensing someone else is there. He knows. He isn't alone. His vampire Instincts kick in. He looks all around. Nothing out of place. He heads to his car paying attention to his surroundings. He opens his car door and all of a sudden feels a sharp pinch in his neck. A dart was thrown. He pulls it out. Feeling dizzy and falling to the grown. There Vampire's head towards him. Grabbing him. Throwing him into a grey van. tieing his hands and feet together. He can't fight. His vampire powers are gone and so are his Hunter powers. Panic hits him. "What am I going to do?" He says to himself as he wiggles his hands. Trying to break them free. "Where are they taking me?. Yuki is going to kill me for this." Zero says to himself. Still trying to get out of the restraints. Failing.

The Van drives for a while before it gets to an abandoned warehouse. The three vampires Carry Zero inside. Throwing him to the floor with a bang. "Damn bloodsuckers," Zero says. "I wouldn't be so cocky. If I were you." One of the kidnappers say. "What do you want with me?" Zero asks. "You're going to be our little Test dummy."Another Kidnapper says with a laugh. Zero thinks to himself. "What the hell do they mean?" "Test Dummy?" Zero asks. "Yea. You will see. Mr. Stongest vampire Hunter. I bet its fun drinking off a pureblood. Its the purest blood of all. And she gives it to you!" The kidnapper states. The kidnappers start talking to each other. " I think it should have set in by now. Let's test it." They go over to Zero and kick him in his stomach. "Bastard."Zero grunts. "Oh, Did that hurt Mr. badass?" The kidnapper asks. "No Shit. Wise ass. It hurt." Zero replies. Keeping his sarcasm. "What you going to do about it?" The other kidnapper asks. Zero trying his best but neither hunter or vampire powers are working. He doesn't feel himself heal either. Something is wrong.

Something was in that dart they gave me. What was that? he says to himself. I can't go out like this. Yuki will fall to pieces. She will never forgive me for this. As the other Kidnapper kicks him in his back and they all start beating him up. All he could think about was Yuki and if he gets out of this. He gets weaker and weaker. From all the kicks and punches. He is a regular man now. With no defenses. He can't even fight back. His hands are tied.

While Zero is getting beat to a pulp. Yuki is at home. Waking from her sleep. Feeling very unsettled. "Something is wrong." She says to herself. Looking at the time, it's now 12 AM. No sign of Zero. She goes to the phone and calls but gets nothing but voice mail. Now she really knows something is wrong. She gets her little familiar and lets it free to find Zero. Their blood bond will help it find him. It reaches him in no time. The butterfly Showing Yuki. Where Zero is. And what condition he is in

. "OH. My God." She shouts. Calling Kaname. "Yuki what's wrong. Its 12 AM. You never call me at this time." Kaname States. "Zero needs us. Please, I need you. Here is the address meet me there and fast. They are hurting him." Yuki sobs. "Ok, Ok I will use my bat familiar to get there faster. I will see you there in a few. Yuki be careful!" Kaname remarks. "I will. Hurry!" Yuki says. Turning into many butterflies and heading to the abandoned warehouse. Appearing In front of Zero's body. Doing her best not to show the kidnappers, how she really feels. How torn up she is. "Who dares Do this to him?" Yuki asks in a strong loud tone." Lady Yuki. We are sorry. We had orders. We only did what we were told." The Head kidnapper states. "Really? You defi A Queen For some nobody?" SHe shouts! Zero still dazed and bleeding. But through it all. He can hear her voice. Knowing she came for him. Now worried about her safety.

"I Don't know Who ordered this. But you don't listen to anyone but me and Kaname. You went against our orders Of keeping him safe. We stated Clearly at the ball. ANYONE who harms Him or Martha will die." Yuki shouts. The three kidnappers huddled together. Now scared Shitless. "We are sorry lady Yuki. What can we do to make this better." They say. "Die." Yuki remarks. Kaname Appearing. "Who is the leader of this rat pack?" Yuki asks. Kaname Just watching on the side in front of him. Then Picking him up. Zero scenes he is there. "I am. Lady Yuki. The older kidnapper says. " Good. "She says. With her powers, she ties him up. Making the Cord she found to go around and around his body. "You other two are followers? I take it?" Yuki asks." Yes. Sorry, Lady Yuki." They cry. She walks over to them. "Your punishment is death."She snaps. Turning them both to dust."

Kaname, how is he?" She asks Running over to Zero. Sobbing and Screaming as she looks at his beaten and battered body. "What did they do to my sweet Zero?" Yuki asks. Holding his hand. She bits her wrist and gives him blood. Crying uncontrollably.

"Why didn't you fight? Zero why?" She cries. "There is no time for that. We need to get him home. Hanabusa called the Doctor. He will be there waiting. Lets hurry. I will take him. You take the kidnapper."Kaname states. "Ok. I will meet you at home." Yuki replies.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now