Try Me *

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*Sexual Content*

Lauren didn't even bother looking up when she heard the door open, but rolled her eyes when she heard not only one voice, but two voices. She hated when people came only half an hour before they closed because she didn't like stressing when she did her work.


She let out a little huff and stood up, glancing back at the drawings she had all over her desk before she walked to the front of the shop, her green eyes meeting dark brown chocolate eyes and she nodded to herself before she walked behind the disk. "Hey," She said, glancing over at her co-worker and bestfriend Normani that had to hold back a laugh, knowing how much it annoyed Lauren when people came in late. "What can I do for you?"

"I would like to get a tattoo," She said hesitantly, her eyes moving up and down.

Lauren raised an eyebrow before she looked over the smaller girl on the other side's shoulder, looking at the guy that was standing by the door on his phone. "He with you?"

The brown-eyed girl looked over her shoulder before looking back, nodding. "My fiancé," She said proudly.

The artist nodded her head with a small grin on her face when she looked down at both of the other girl's hands and didn't see a ring. "Lucky you," She chuckled, taking up a few books, not missing the offended look she got. "Do you have anything in mind or do you want to look?"

"Aren't you gonna ask for my name? Why I want a tattoo?"

"Look, you come into my shop twenty minutes before I close and with all the shit I have to do by tomorrow I sadly don't have any time to be your bestfriend today and gush about your happy engagement," Lauren muttered, keeping her head high as she looked at the smaller girl that looked a little terrified.

The brown-eyed girl looked behind her to look at her fiancé that didn't even seem phased as he looked down at his phone, but it looked like she was waiting for him to back her up. "You just lost a customer and trust me I will tell everyone about how badly you treat your customers."

Lauren rolled up the sleeves on her t-shirt and let out a little sigh. "Sweetheart, I own of the most successful tattoo shops in L.A. I don't think I will have any problems with customers, but you have a good night," She said before she put the books down again and gestured towards the door.

She watched as the smaller girl huffed and started walking towards the door, grabbing her boyfriend's hand on the way before exiting the shop.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh there, Lauren? She looked like 19..."

The older girl turned her head to look at Normani before she shook her head and made her way to the backroom. "She'll be back tomorrow. I hate when customers come this late. I hate shit to do," She hissed, closing the door before she sat down on her chair.


The very next day, Lauren was seated in her chair at the front desk, just finishing up a sketch of a tattoo when the door opened. Her eyes lifted slightly and she smirked when she saw who walked in. "No fiancé today?"

The girl cleared her throat. "That's none of your business. I'm just here to get a tattoo," She said, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood in front of the desk.

"I thought I lost a costumer last night?"

She rolled her eyes and started looking around in the shop, at all the artwork around in the room.

"What do you wanna get, princess?"

The brown-eyed girl's head snapped at the comment and she tilted her head to the side. "Don't call me that," She mumbled, looking away slightly. "I want to get a bow."

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