Angels Will Fall

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You’re a freshman in college the first time you lay your eyes on her and you can’t help but stare. She’s possibly the most precious thing you’ve ever laid eyes on, hidden away in the back corner of the class, hair hiding her face and hands fidgeting on top of her notebook. You find it odd that she has a notebook when everyone else, including yourself, has a laptop, but you decide not to question it and take up residence in the last available seat beside her.

You stare for a little while longer, admiring the way her russet locks curl to perfection, cascading down to the small of her back, how her skin seems to glow from the small rays of sun entering the classroom, how her hands seem to keep a methodical rhythm as they tap on the desk. Everything about her has left you enchanted and you don’t even know her name or anything about her.

This continues for the majority of your freshman year. You continue to stare at her until your lectures start, which are every Tuesday and Thursday morning, for the majority of the year, and she continues to be this elusive character in your life.

You may not know her name and have never seen her face or heard her talk, but you do know one thing for sure. And that is that you may be a little smitten by her, you can just hear Normani’s scoff in the distance because God, does this girl have you more than just a ‘little smitten’.

By the end of the year you conclude that she must be some kind of angel. It’s the only explanation.


After a long summer it’s finally time to go back to college. You’d spent the entire summer back in Miami with your family, having barbecues every other weekend, catching up with old friends, and having the odd softball game with your High School teammates for old times’ sake. All in all it was a summer well spent, except that you had a certain someone on your mind for the majority of it.

You’re on your way to the first class of your sophomore year of college with your best friend, Normani, who is talking aimlessly in your ear about a new girl in her dance class when you finally see her face. It’s even more beautiful than you had imagined it would be. Oddly enough the first thing you notice is the rosiness of her cheeks that give her a childlike glow, even though they’re hollowed slightly from the sharpness of her high cheekbones. Your gaze wanders next to her bowed pink lips that look so plump and kissable if you do say so yourself. Your eyes flick up the slope of her pert nose until you reach her eyes, her deep coffee coloured eyes, that you realise are staring straight back at you with a curiosity that is far too innocent in your opinion. Her lips twitch slightly at the corners and you’re on the verge of grinning like an idiot back at her when you’re interrupted.

“Lauren!” Normani whisper yells tugging your arm so you can face her, however your head is slow to follow your body as you try and savour as much of this interaction with the mystery girl as possible. Her aura is so enticing you’re beginning to think that she actually might be the closest thing to an angel you’ve ever encountered.

“What?” You whisper yell back, turning for the briefest moment before you search for those enticing brown eyes again, your face drops however when you see that she’s not there anymore, seemingly disappearing in to thin air. When you turn back around Normani just clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes with a fond smile on face. “What?” you repeat.

“You’re so whipped by this girl and you don’t even know her name.”


“Alright class.” Your teacher says as she walks in with a smile on her face as always, her voice unsurprisingly chipper. “For your classes this week you’ll be working with a partner on a project that will be worth 25% of your grade come the end of this scholastic year. Before you get excited I’ve already put you into pairs and after you’ve sorted yourselves into them one of you will come up to my desk to pick up what your topic for the project will be out of this hat.” She said as she snatched a snapback off of one of the girls in the front of the class, who whined slightly while patting her hair down.

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