Firefighter Lauren

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“I think that should be good,” Lauren says turning off the hose.

“Thank you so much,” Camila, the disastrous cooker, thanks the firefighter, after bringing her eyes back up from the firefighter’s behind.

Camila Cabello was quite a character. She was single mother of a six year old girl, Alex, who she had at 21. Alex’s father walked out on them before her first birthday and things have been tough on Camila. He left them with a small house and has been paying the rent from who knows where, but Camila really could care less. The two parents were drunk one night at a party and had sex after only two months into the relationship. This led to Camila’s pregnancy and her boyfriend promised to support her.

Things were going great but a month before Alex turned one, he broke his promise and left suddenly. Camila didn’t really like him that much anyway, but she was sad that Alex wouldn’t have a father figure in her life. When Alex turned five, Camila thought it was time to tell her what had happened, and she did in the least detailed way possible. After that things only went up, with her parents help Alex was becoming a nice young girl. She was now in first grade and had many good friends, and a few of them had single moms. Camila and these single moms, Normani and Dinah, had a friend group with one married mom, Ally. They all became very close and supporter each other in every way possible.

Alex was turning seven the next week and Camila was trying to make a Duncan Hines cake but of course it led to a fire because Camila wasn’t well known for her cooking. Usually when she tried to cook, her food either burned or a small fire was made, and firefighter Lauren had to come and hose the house down. Alex was usually at Camila’s parents house at these times, thank god.

“You know Camila maybe you should start getting lessons on how to cook,” Lauren says once she got down from the ladder.

“I would but then you would have to stop coming to my house to save me,” Camila flirts and bats her eyelashes.

“Good point, cause I love seeing your beautiful face every time I come to put out a fire,” Lauren flirts back.

The two girls were quite taken by each other and they didn’t seem to want to hide these feelings. They flirt just enough to show it’s not just friendly but a little on the attracted side. Camila was always attracted to the green eyed firefighter and she loved staring at her body while she put out the fires. Her uniform fit her quite nicely and Camila liked to take advantage. Lauren wasn’t oblivious though and she knew Camila stared at her ass most of the time. She didn’t care though cause she did the same. Every time Camila turned around her eyes would wonder to her big Cuban back side. She just couldn’t help it.

“You know,” Camila steps closer,“You can always come and see my ‘pretty face’ anytime you want,” she whispers seductively in Lauren’s ear. Lauren shudders but quickly retaliates.

“Maybe I will,” Lauren replies and squeezes Camila’s ass. Camila couldn’t help it and she groans. She didn’t have sex in a while and she barely had time to do it herself with Alex around.

“I have to go,” Lauren says when her phone beeps with another call,“Have to go put out more fires,” she continues and steps away from Camila.

“You tease! You’re going to get it next time I see you!” Camila calls out as Lauren walks back to her truck,“Oh and you’re coming to Alex’s birthday party next week!”

Lauren screams back an of course and chuckles,“That girl is something else.”

“I thought I was going to cook it good this time, this is so embarrassing,” Camila says and covers her face with her hands as Lauren comes towards her when she finishes putting out the fire.

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