Bumping Into You

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Camila and her family were 40 minutes early to their flight back to Miami. They came to New York about a week ago because her dad had an important meeting and decided to bring them with him, so they could enjoy some family time.

“I need to go to the bathroom” Camila told her mother, rolling her eyes, because they had just got at the airport and the bathroom was kind of far from where they were.

“Do you want to go too, Sofi?” her mom asked the young girl that was entertained with a game on her phone.

“No, mami, I’m good” Sofi said smiling, but her eyes never left the super important task she was facing.

“Ok, so I’ll be back soon” Camila said while taking her phone and earphones from her purse and making her way to the bathroom.

She was half the way and typing something to post on her Tumblr when she knocked over someone and her phone went straight to the floor, she leaned herself down fast to grab it.

“Oh, shit! I’m sorry!” she heard the familiar voice saying. When Camila finally looked over to see the owner of the soft voice she almost had a heart attack.

Her favorite singer of all time, her everyday girl crush, her platonic love, the most perfect human being alive, if you ask her, Lauren Jauregui was right in front of her eyes. She was all in black, wearing a beanie, her skin perfect as always and red lips.

“Holy fuck.”

That was what she found herself able to say. Holy fuck.

Way to go, Camila.”

Lauren’s was glancing at her, kind of worried about how the shorter girl was now more than one minute just staring at her, speechless.

“Are you ok?” she asked the brunette with a little smirk on her face. Lauren was used to people screming her name and amazed to see her, but she found it more than funny this time.

“Ye…yeah, I’m very fine, sure, thanks” Camila said rapidly, dumbfounded, with her eyebrows lifted and a smile emerging on her lips, astonished about what just happened.

“That’s good” the green eyed said “it didn’t seem like it” she chuckled.

“Yeah, you know…. I don’t get to bump into the hottest person alive very often’” Camila let out without thinking over, feeling totally stupid now that she had said it.

How was Lauren at the same airport as her and she didn’t knew it? She was, secretly, a massive fangirl, she should have, but apparently no one knew it because the amount of people that is normally waiting for her, and the paparazzis, weren’t around.

“Oh, yeah, I get it” the older girl said now staring at the other intently. Camila’s chocolate brown eyes were shiny and full of passion. Lauren liked them. She liked them a lot.

“I don’t mean to bother but… can we take a picture together?” Camila asked, again without thinking, waiting nervous for the answer.

Lauren was appreciating the girl’s shyness and cuteness.

“Of course we can” she answered with a brigth smile.

“Oh my… ok” Camila said enthusiastic looking for her phone that was now placed in the back pocket of her skinny black jeans.

“Oh, no, don’t do this to me now…” she said totally frustrared, shooking her head, closing her eyes.

“What happened?” Lauren asked curious.

“My phone just died! I can’t believe it, of course this had to happen! It’s the most iconic moment of my life and BOOM, dead.”

Lauren was entertained about how the other girl was reacting, she was extremely cute. But she didn’t left unnoticed that she was extremely hot too, wearing a skinny black jeans, black unkle boots, a red shirt holding her body in all the right places and a scarf.

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