Demigod Brew

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Left-right, left-right, left-


Camila tripped on her own foot while marching on full armor and dragging a ridiculously large sword. The ones tiredly walking behind her all stumbled down like a stack of dominoes, thrown off by the sudden halt of the momentum.

“Children of Aphrodite!”

Their commanding officer from Cabin 7 frowned in disapproval at the disorderly scene.

“Get up, weaklings! You move like you haven’t eaten anything from breakfast!”

Camila licked her dry lips. She’s certain that they’ll be dehydrated if they stay out in the open for a few more minutes.

It was a hot day, boo.

The burning ball of fire overhead is relentlessly showering them with uv rays. Their exposed skin sizzled like barbeques on a blazing grill.

It was the consequence for losing at Capture the Flag. The overall champions get to do anything they want to the losing teams for a day. The Apollo cabin had the honor of selecting a penalty for Cabin 10 and the god of poetry kids favored ‘training the weak’ treatment.

So, here they are.

The people who were least inclined to participate in bloody battles had to wear heavy steel armors, equally heavy steel weapons, and trot all day in the field until someone drop dead. Figuratively.

“March!” the officer ordered a bit arrogantly.

“I’m super tempted to use charmspeak on this bastard and tell him to jump in to the lake naked,” Normani whispered to Camila, wiping the perspiration glistening on her perfect brow.

Camila smiled on the image of the threat; her siblings – or rather half-siblings – all groaned painfully as they got up, picking their weapons and shields from the ground.

“Why couldn’t we have dressed lightly and had bows instead of spears?” Vero, Camila’s bestfriend-sister helped her to stand up.

Shannon, the head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin shook her head in dismay as she urged the group to continue marching.

“I’ve tried negotiating about the bows, but gods, no one could find a single damn bow in the premises. I’m guessing that the Apollo kids hid them. Just out of spite, of course”

Camila threw a quick glance at a bunch of Apollo girls who were gossiping under a tree in the distant, apparently snickering about something they find really hilarious. In their midst sat Lauren Jauregui, the acting head counselor for the sun god (Will Solace was visiting Camp Jupiter together with Piper).

About a month ago, someone from Camila’s cabin played a prank on one of Apollo girls – there was a constant stream of flowers raining on her from a small cloud above her head that would follow her wherever she goes.

The camp thought it was really funny, except for the cabin where she came from.

Chiron ultimately put a stop to it when the Apollo girl issued a formal complaint, accompanied by Lauren who demanded a full-blown punishment for the culprit.

And since no one from the Aphrodite campers admitted the prank as his/her own doing, the whole lot was grounded. They were in the kitchen duty for a week.

But that only started a bad rivalry between the two cabins. They’ve spent every waking moments trying to get even with each other, even until now.


“I think I’m gonna pass out,” Vero wheezed as she limped to her bunk, shedding the extra layer of clothes that they had to wear, leaving a trail of leather and chainmail on the floor.

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