Nosebleed (2/2)

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“Yeah, no, it’s written in the stars or something. When we order the beef with broccoli from that Chinese restaurant on Sixth Street, she eats the broccoli and I eat the beef. It’s like we complete each other.”

Dinah scoffs. “Mila, that’s like saying you’re made for each other because she washes the dishes and you wipe them.”

“That’s exactly what we do. It’s fate or destiny, some star-crossed lovers crap. I’m convinced.”


Aside from sleeping when she thinks no one’s watching and her perpetual need to flirt with cute customers, Dinah’s positive she’d be the poster child for employee of the month. She only sleeps when her manager isn’t watching and she has the courtesy to keep her hands out of the tip jar.

Besides, she only locked herself out with the keys still inside once.

She opens the doors to The Brew, the bell ringing above the door giving away Dinah’s late entrance. Ariana watches her come in from across the room, pointing to the watch and shaking her head in disapproval.

Dinah makes up a compliment about how nice her watch is while flashing her a pageant grin and blaming her tardiness on L.A. traffic. Something along the lines of, “Tourists were crowding the highway,” and a dishonest “Sorry,” instead of “I just didn’t feel like waking up. The clock app has ‘snooze’ an option for a reason.”

Camila watches the whole exchange from behind the counter, initiating eye contact with Dinah and perching her head in her hands.

“Maybe if you actually start arriving on time, Ariana might actually consider giving you that raise you’ve been begging for.”

The taller girl hurdles over the counter, completely disregarding the employee’s door only two feet away, slipping on her apron and visor in several ungraceful moves.

“Hush, Walz. That clock is jacked, I had a solid five minutes left. Plus, everybody in southern California knows that nobody’s got nothin’ on my barista skills, including you and Shawn. Ari’s gonna hit me up with a six figure salary one day. Besides, my counter is so empty right now. It’s lookin’ like Ally’s DMs when she posted that picture of her promise ring.”

“That’s because I’ve been handling all of your orders.”

“And that’s why I love you.” Dinah teases, pecking a soft kiss on Camila’s forehead. Camila’s doesn’t bother to wipe off the lip gloss Dinah imprints on her.

“It’s also why you’re stuck with kitchen duty today.” She says, handing over a pair of gloves and a hairnet that Dinah hesitates to take.

“Nevermind, Mani’s my number one again. You’re going back to the bottom of the list, right beneath Lauser.”

“Wow, just like in bed.” Camila quips, sticking her tongue out playfully.

Dinah’s mouth practically shoots open, only spilling out incoherent noises. She’s trying to tell Camila that’s nasty and she doesn’t need their bedroom details, but Camila probably already knows.

“I’m just kidding, God.” Camila jokes. “It’s the other way around.”

“Might as well stick me on dishwashing duty too, I need to wash that dirty ass mouth of yours with hella soap.”

Camila hears Dinah ranting on about being extra keeping her sex life to herself as she takes orders up front, delivering smug looks to Dinah every now and then.

The summer heat keeps customers rolling in. As much as the locals hate the stuffy renovation, the Los Angeles sun is really good for business. If it wasn’t for the cafe’s air conditioning, Dinah would’ve stayed home altogether.

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