We'll Be Alright

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“Can you see us now?” The voice came through Lauren’s speakers but the image on the laptop never came and she was left with only a blurry, dark screen. “Babe? Anything?”

Lauren only smiled as the noises coming from the computer increased. “No baby, I can’t see you.”

A loud sigh came again, and Lauren rolled her eyes.

A couple seconds later, the picture was finally fixed and she could clearly see her wife and one year old daughter. Instantly, the smile broke out of her face and a breathy laughter came out.

Out of sheer instinct, Lauren rose her hand toward her daughter only for her fingers to meet the screen. Her smile faltered and her heart fell as she was brought back to the reality of their situation. Of course she couldn’t touch her; she wasn’t there. She was in Brazil on a world tour that wasn’t due end for three more months.

“Laur?” Camila’s concern voice came through and made Lauren’s eyes flit back to the screen. At seeing the worry etched in Camila’s brow, Lauren sadness dissipated, the smile slowly spreading back to her face.

Lauren watched as Camila took their daughter’s little hand in her own palm and lifted it up to produce little waves. “Say hi mommy, I miss you.” Camila prompted the little girl, the small child cooing at the screen.

Lauren swore her heart grew wings and flew out of chest.

“Tell her not to be sad because we’ll see her soon, right?” Camila said to the small child but pointed her tone toward Lauren. “The next three months will fly by, and after that mommy will be taking a break from touring and recording. Right, Lauren?”

“Absolutely, honey.” Lauren agreed instantly.

Camila smiled and asked after a beat of silence asked, “How was your day?”

“Um, good, quiet. I spent most of it lying in bed. T-t-there was also – Camila can you stop that, it’s extremely inappropriate.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You cannot keep licking your lips like that.”

“But they’re dry,” Camila pouted.

“Then buy some dang chapstick,”

Camila gasped in mock horror as she brought her hand over Grace’s ears. “Lauren Cabello-Jauregui, what did we say about cursing in front of the baby?”

“Shut up, Camz.” Lauren shook her head at the goofiness and childish act of her wife.

Just then the door opened and Lauren’s choreographer’s head poked in. “Lauren, it’s time to go.”

Lauren audibly groaned at the interruptance and the fact that she was going to have to end the call, even though they’ve only spent a few minutes speaking because the damn screen wouldn’t show.

“Is that?” Camila trailed off.  

“Yeah, Sean.” Lauren finished. “I’m sorry baby but I have to go to dance rehearsal.”

Camila started nodding but Lauren knew that she was disappointed; they both were. “It’s okay, it’s your job after all. I can’t keep you from that.” She said softly.  

“You know I’d give it all up in second if you asked. You just need to say the words.”

Camila playfully rolled her eyes. “You’re gonna miss rehearsal, go. Wave to mommy, Gracie.”

“I’ll call you tonight after the show, okay? I love you both.” Lauren waved and blew a kiss before the screen went black and she was shown the words Camila has disconnected the chat.

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