Wrapped Around Your Finger

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Lauren Jauregui, the biggest nerd at Palebrooke High School was shy and socially awkward to anyone who observed her. She was quiet and kept to herself most of the time.

She had only one best friend and her name was Normani who was just as awkward as Lauren if not more.

The two had been best friends ever since Normani accidentally kicked sand in Lauren’s eyes at the age of 4 and tried to use a Juicy Juice box to try and get it out.

The situation did not end well but the two grew inseparable after that.

On the other hand, Camila Cabello was Palebrooke High School’s most popular girl and cheerleader. Everyone either wanted to date her or they wanted to be her. She was confident, outgoing and undeniably hot as fuck.

She had guys on her left and right constantly asking her out but she always denied their request. Her heart belonged to someone that everyone didn’t expect.

Camila strutted into school in her tight fitted cheerleading uniform, getting the attention of everyone in the hallways except the one person she loved most because their back was turn towards her.

She made it to the person’s locker she had been looking forward to seeing all morning. She tapped the taller person’s shoulder, waiting for them to turn around.

“Baby!” Camila yelled, throwing herself in the person’s arms.

“God I missed you so much, never go away again.” Camila wrapped her arms around the taller persons neck, nuzzling her face into it.

Lauren was shocked, but immediately wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. “I missed you too babe, band camp was no fun since I couldn’t have my phone and talk to you. I’m sorry I didn’t text you when I got back, my phone was dead and I started to unpack and mom wanted me to help with dinner and by-” Camila giggled at her incredibly cute, nerdy, rambling girlfriend.

“It’s okay babe, I’m not upset.” Camila leaned in and placed a gentle peck on Lauren’s lips. She pulled back and smiled once she saw the dreamy look on Lauren’s face.

Lauren had been away at band camp for the past two weeks and to say Camila missed her was an understatement. She would mope around all day and scroll through all of their pictures together. Her best friends would have to beg her to leave her house. Now that Lauren was back, her happiness was completely restored.

It was amazing how much the younger girl was in love with the older one and vice versa.

They had been dating for a year and a half and both girls honestly had never been happier.

Camila was there when Lauren was being cornered by a bunch of girls. They were picking on her and Camila wasn’t having any of it and quickly told the group of girls harassing Lauren, off.

Camila helped Lauren pick up her books the the group of girls knocked out of her hands and the two spent the rest of the day getting to know each other. Camila learned a lot of shocking things about Lauren and was quite surprised to say the least.

From that small encounter, that was the start of Camila and Lauren.

It was a total shock when the two came out as a couple. No one could understand why the hottest girl in school would date the biggest nerd.

Some thought it was for a laugh or a big dare but they were totally taken off guard when they saw Camila had Lauren pressed against the lockers, making out with her roughly and then afterwards telling her that she loved her.

They shut their mouths after they saw the heated lip-lock and the sweet moment that followed.

“You aren’t?” Lauren asked, staring into her girlfriend’s lovely brown eyes.

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