You Were the Last Good Thing About This Part of Town *

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*Sexual Content*

Lauren quirks an eyebrow, blows smoke from her mouth, lips pursed and cigarette hanging from her fingers.

“Aren’t you suppose to be in class?” she asks and Camila can feel the way her cheeks heat up and her breath stutters at the smell of smoke filling her lungs.

“I’m late,” she squeaks, grabs on tighter to her books.

“Yeah?” Lauren leans away from the row of lockers, “I couldn’t have guessed.”

Camila gives her a jerky nod and looks at her shoes.

Lauren stares at her for a bit, eyes unwavering before she shrugs and moves away.

“See you around Cabello.”


Camila can feel the way Lauren’s eyes follow her around. When she’s out rushing to her next class or when she’s eating lunch with Dinah and Ally. And especially when she’s got her gym uniform on, and she’s running laps under the hot sun.

Lauren doesn’t do gym, keeps her leather jacket on and sits on the bleachers, shades over her eyes and lighter pressed to her palm.

Lauren isn’t really something she associates with. She struts around with her boys and her leather jacket and tight fit leather pants. Camila’s sure she has more game than her whole crew put together and it’s a bit unnerving and a bit scary.

She’s just the kind of person her mom warn her about. Sharp words and reckless behavior with a sweet smile to trap someone in.

And Camila’s never thought she would be the victim of the shy little curve Lauren gives her desired targets. But she’s walking home one day and Lauren is there, eyes lowered and looking at her through her lashes and her mouth is a shy little line and surely Lauren can’t be that bad.


Lauren sneaks her out of her room and takes her to a movie. She doesn’t really remember much about it, just the way Lauren’s mouth tasted of ash and smoke and cherry lip balm and how the cold air raised goosebumps on her skin and the softness of the leather seats of Lauren’s car.

She pulls back in tiny pants and out of breath and Lauren smiles at her (and it’s not shy, it’s a sharp line of a smirk) and goes in for another kiss.


Dinah invites her over for a sleepover and it’s her and Normani and Ally. Dinah looks at her and smiles, eyes bright, “how’s Lauren?”

Camila flames up and bites her lip and wishes she didn’t have to answer.

“It’s alright, she’s nice.”

Normani snorts and Ally rolls over in laughter.

“Don’t let her break your heart Mila!” Dinah sing song, laughs along to Ally’s giggles, “she’ll just add you to her list of good girls gone bad.”


Lauren waits for her in the morning, the air is a bit chilly and Camila shivers under her light blouse. Lauren frowns at that, takes off her leather jacket and drapes it over Camila’s shoulder.

“So people back off, alright?” she says but Camila loses the words and stares at Lauren’s bare arms and the long column of neck now visible.

There’s a lot of catcalls and Camila can see how Lauren’s little crew pat her back and high five her and wiggle their eyebrows. Lauren rolls her eyes, and lights a cigarette.


Lauren bites her lip and pushes Camila against the netting of the track course.

“I wanted to know if you wanted to grab a bite, down at Betsy’s with those milkshakes you say you like?”

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