Underneath the Falling Snow

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Camila loves winter.

It’s the reason why she moved to New York City after she graduated from UCLA. The Miami native originally wanted to stay in California, but once she and her family decided to go to New York for the holidays during her final year of college, she quickly changed her mind. So the summer after she graduated, Camila moved to New York and, luckily, found a job to work at a publishing company and she loved everything about her life in her new home.

Her first year living in New York, Camila met a girl named Lauren and she was absolutely wonderful. They fell in love quickly and their families adored their relationship, so it wasn’t a surprise when they moved in together after a year of dating. Their apartment was just big enough for the two of them; it was comfortable, cozy, and just them. It was home.

Like Camila, Lauren was also from Miami. The older girl had gone to NYU and opted to stay in the city (because she met Camila). Unlike Camila, Lauren hates winter.

It isn’t until their first winter while they live together that Camila realizes why.

“Morning, Laur.” Camila mumbles tiredly while she cuddles into her girlfriend.

It’s Saturday and that’s their day to just relax and be together. For the past week, the cold weather started kicking in and Camila was absolutely loving it. Lauren, on the other hand, was hating it. She hates the winter.

Lauren sighs. She isn’t really in the mood to talk or cuddle. “Hi.” she murmurs anyway.

“Do you want breakfast?” the younger girl asks.

“No.” Lauren replies. “I just wanna go back to sleep.”

Camila frowns because it’s already 9:30 and Lauren hates waking up just after 9:00 alone (she thinks it’s too late).

“Are you sure?” Camila asks. “It’s 9:30.”

“Just let me sleep, Camila!” Lauren grits through her teeth and separates herself from her girlfriend, turning her back to her. She doesn’t mean to, but it was the only way to get Camila off her back.

The younger girl is a little surprised by Lauren since she’s never talked to her like that. But she lets it go because she figures it might just be because they had stayed up a little late last night.

It’s 1:00 PM and Lauren is still asleep. Camila worries a little because for as long as she’s known Lauren (not just the time they’ve lived together), the green-eyed girl never was asleep for that long. She bites her lip, walking into their bedroom and softly shakes Lauren. She hopes she isn’t upset.

“Laur? Hey.” Camila says, her voice just above a whisper.

Lauren deeply inhales through her nose and squints to look at Camila. “What time is it?”

“It’s a little past 1:00, baby.” the younger girl responds and moves Lauren’s hair out of her face and starts playing with it.

“Fuck. Okay.” Lauren sighs, but relaxes into Camila’s touch. “Sorry I was a bitch earlier,” she murmurs, “I was just tired.” And she still is and if Camila weren’t there, she’d definitely still be asleep. But she won’t tell her girlfriend that.

Camila shoots her a small smile. “It’s okay.” she leans down and presses a chaste kiss against Lauren’s lips (she still hasn’t brushed her teeth yet after all).

“Um, I’m gonna go shower, I guess.” Lauren sighs and finally lifts herself from the bed. She grabs her things and walks into the bathroom.

Camila exhales while she walks back into their living room. Something is obviously going on with Lauren, but she isn’t telling Camila about it. The younger girl just wants to be there for her.

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