Fool for You

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“Lo, are you coming here tonight?” Camila asked her best friend on the phone.

“Yeah, I’ll get there after 7PM. though.”

“Ok. Today I’ll pick the movie.”

“Don’t you come with romance today.” Lauren said in an annoyed tone.

“Why?!” Camila asked and pouted, because she was searching a fuffly movie already.

“I’m not in the mood to cry, Camz.” Lauren chuckled and Camila groaned.

“Why do you want to watch then?”

“I don’t know… some scary shit.”

“I’m not in the mood to be sleep deprived for a week.” Camila said and rolled her eyes. She’s not best friends with scary movies.

“No, nothing with spirits, just suspense, you can handle that, Camz.”

“Ok, I’ll try find something.” Camila replied and shrugged.

“Ok, see you later, Caaamzi.” Lauren said the nickname almost singing, Camila laughed and did the same.

“Bye, Leeeeern.”

Lauren got to Camila’s house a little later than what she said. She was late because she brought pizza already and Camila was happily jumping with the sight. They went up to Camila’s bedroom and Camila showed Lauren two movies to choose from and Lauren picked the scarier one, just because she’s an awesome friend. And maybe because she likes when Camila comes running to her arms in the middle of the scary scenes. They sat on Camila’s bed, eating pizza and being super careful to don’t make a mess and the movie started.

They were in the half of the movie when Lauren’s phone started buzzing and she asked Camila to pause it.

“Hey!” she answered with a smile.

“Really?” she said and chuckled.

“But I’m…” she tried saying but stopped and Camila could hear the girl talking really fast on the other side of the line.

“Ok, ok.” Lauren said with a laugh and shook her head. “Byeeee.”

“What happened?” Camila asked curious.

“Alexa just called me, and Ryan invited her to his brother’s party and she…” she stopped and made a face, knowing that Camila wouldn’t be happy about that, “wants me to go with her.”

“Ok, that’s good.” Camila said and shrugged. Lauren knew she hadn’t understood.


“Oh.” Camila said and diverted her gaze to the slice of pizza she was ready to eat. She hates when Lauren changes their plans to do something else, but she understands that Alexa needs her too.

“So you… you have to go.” she said and nodded.

“But we’re not finished with the movie.” Lauren said and pointed to the TV.

“It’s ok. Seriously.” Camila said and smiled. "She needs you.“

“Are you sure?” Lauren asked and narrowed her eyes.

“I’m sure. Go.” she said and motioned with her free hand to Lauren go. “I see you tomorrow.” she said as Lauren stood up from the bed. The green eyed put her shoes and before she left the room she jumped on the bed again and kissed Camila’s cheek.

“Ok, see you tomorrow. Dream about me tonight, Camz.” she said and chuckled.

“Sure.” Camila rolled her eyes and shook her head, and chuckled lightly at Lauren winking at her before she left the room.

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