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Lauren was sprawled over the couch, eating from the bowl of potato chips sitting on her stomach. She chuckled when the kid on the home video smacked his dad in the nuts with his baseball bat. The clip switched to another and a guy was about to ride his bike down a set of steps comparable to the ones in front of the Capitol building.

“He’s gonna flip over,” she said to no one with a laugh. Stuffing her face full of chips, she prepared herself for the hilarity of witnessing a man flip over on his bike and go tumbling down a set of stairs. But before she could actually see it, someone decided to block her view of the screen. It was her gorgeous, yet not made of glass, fiancée Camila. “Babe! What the hell?”

Camila narrowed her eyes at her, still clutching that damn binder to her chest. It’s like she was attached to it, she never went anywhere without that fucking binder. And if she was interrupting her TV time, it meant the binder was about to be opened and they were about to discuss more wedding plans.

“Lauren, we have things to discuss. Can you turn off the television?”

“Babe, this episode literally just started. See I just missed the guy busting his ass down a giant set of stairs.” Camila glared at her and shook her head slightly. “Babe! Alright fine, what is it now?” She moved the bowl to the coffee table and clasped her hands together.

Camila ignored her uninterested tone and sat down beside her, opening the binder to a page with cake designs on it. “Okay, we need to pick out the cake. I personally want a four tier, square shape, and I only want the top to be actual cake.”

“Why the hell would we only want the top to be edible on our wedding cake?”

“Because it’s practically just a decoration. But the top we save for our first anniversary, so that part has to be edible.”

“And what about the cake that people eat? Can’t have a wedding without cake.”

“Jesus Lauren, did you even glance at the catalogs I gave you?”

“Sure I did. There was that one with the, um, textured vests and, uh, cummerbunds?”

“I swear I’m going to choke you one of these days. Can you please just pay attention?” Lauren sat back and gestured for her to continue. “Thank you. Now, I was thinking we could go red velvet for our cake. The rest will be Styrofoam dummies. I like the black banding around the bottom with the light blue and lilac flowers going around the sides to the bottom. And then for the actual cutting and the guests, we’ll have a full sheet cake which we’ll keep the in the back. I actually think we should get two, maybe one chocolate and one vanilla so people can choose. That reminds me, did you want a groom’s cake? Well, a bride’s cake I guess. Lauren? Are you listening?”

Lauren zoned her out the minute she said red velvet. She mentally agreed and figured the rest was unimportant. Her eyes had been on the television in front of her and her brain was preoccupied with trying not to laugh. She refocused when she heard her name.

“Yeah, I heard all that. Great ideas babe.”

“Really? Then what did I say?”

“Red velvet for our cake. I heard you.”

“Did you hear anything after that?”

“I thought you may have mentioned those vests again?”

“Lauren Jauregui you are absolutely impossible!” Camila slammed her binder shut and stormed away from her.

“Babe!” she called out after her, but the short Cuban was already upstairs and she heard the bedroom door slam shortly after.


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