Extraordinary Massage Session *

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*Sexual Content*

It was a normal weekdays morning in an university in Miami. But that day was definitely not a normal day for Camila. She and her best friend, Dinah was sitting down on a bench outside of their faculty building.

“So he was like ‘I really fell like kissing you right now’. Then I was like ‘what’s stopping you?’. Then we had our first kiss. It was amazing!” Dinah continues filling Camila about how her first date went yesterday with a cute boy.

“That think that’s so cute he asked first before kissing you!” said Camila. They were both in the clouds, talking about how the romantic date went. Then they were popped out of their best friend bubble when they heard a screeching sound of a car braking. There were three cars involved where each cars hit the bumper of the car in front of them. Instead of them stepping out of the car to pick a fight with the other drivers, all three drivers including their friend in the cars were just staring at one direction. Camila furrows her eyebrows while trying to figure out what was catching all of these guys’ attention that they could not care less of the damage of their expensive cars. Apparently they all were day dreaming and staring at a brunette girl walking towards the college building.

“Typical hormonal guys” Dinah blurt out causing both of the girls to giggles. They did not see the brunette’s face though, but Camila wonder how pretty she was that caught those guys’ attention to that extend.

The next day, the two best friends were about to sit at the same bench. It was their routine everyday morning since they got into the university. They were best friends since they were kindergarten. However that day was different, their ‘best friends’ bench was already occupied. The bench was big enough to occupy three people so they both sat beside the so called intruder.

“Hey I know you” Dinah greet the intruder. “You were the girl that caused the accident yesterday”. The girl simply smirked. “Well after seeing you up close, I’m not surprise at all. You’re gorgeous” Dinah complemented her.

“Thanks” the brunette simply say without and sign of real appreciation. As if it is something she heard everyday.

“So do you mind me asking you what or who are you waiting for here?” Dinah asked. The girl smirked before replying.

“Waiting for someone to help me with my bag” Dinah furrow her eyebrow questioning what does she meant by that.

“I could help you!” Camila blurt out, sounding more eager than she intended it to be. The girl smirked and look at Camila, their eyes met for the first time. Her eyes are green, but not like a plain green eyes. They were a combination of green and yellow perfectly mix together while being outlined by a dark blue shades. Camila felt something in her stomach that she never felt before. After a few seconds of silence, Camila only realises what she had previously blurt out. She immediately look away from the girl while blushing profusely. The girl continue to stare at Camila.

“Thanks, but you are not my normal victim” she took her time to respond to Camila’s offer.

“Victim? What do you mean by…” before dinah could finish her question, a cute guy cut her off.

“Hi there, I’m Andy. Are you new here? Cause I do not remember seeing you before. And if I have, I would definitely remember” The guy introduced himself. The girl wiggled her eyebrow at Dinah before responding to the guy.

“As a matter of fact I am new. I’m Lauren” the named girl introduce herself.

“Do you want me to guide you around campus? I’m more than happy to show you around” the guy offered.

“That’s really nice of you, but I gotten too many tour around campus already yesterday. Today, I just need someone to help me with my bag, it’s really heavy” Lauren pouted.

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