Tumblr Girls

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Cause I'm in love with these Tumblr girls,

With skinny waists and drug habits,

Pretty faces love status,

She acts as if she's the baddest.

Camila walked into History Monday morning, yawning into her hand as she looked up at the board, a new seating chart plastered across the screen. It wasn't unusual for her class to have new seats every other week considering that they were unusually disruptive for a first period. Everyone seemed to have a friend in the class, except Camila. She took her respective seat in the back row, after setting down her things she glanced back up at the chart and found that Lauren Jauregui would be the person filling the empty seat next to her.

Oh my god. Camila processed slowly, she had a love hate relationship with Lauren. Although Camila had never actually had a conversation with her new neighbor besides quick questions like,"can I borrow a pencil?" And,"hey, what's number 3?" But Camila had come to a conclusion that Lauren was a number of things. One, extremely intimidating. Two, insanely beautiful. Three, one and two might coincide. Four, very easy to get lost in, and she had lost count at five because as number four states, Lauren made it hard to focus on anything.

Just seconds before the high pitched bell rang Lauren walked into class casually, dressed in shorts and a grey Ramones tanktop. "Miss Jauregui," Mrs. Beckler spoke knowingly,"you know the dress code."

"Oh, come on. What are you going to do? Punish me for wearing clothes?" Lauren countered, her voice drenched in sarcasm.

The whole class of Juniors watched as Mrs. Beckler pursed her wrinkled lips and said,"take your seat next to Camila please, perhaps she'll be a good influence on you."

Lauren scoffed in response and strode past the the three rows of tables before dropping her backpack next to her seat and sliding into it smoothly. "So, you're the good influence?" Lauren asked snidely.

"I think she's just saying that to piss you off," Camila said, surprising herself with how fluently the words left her lips. By this point she would have expected herself to be completely illiterate.

"I agree, haven't you leant me a couple pencils before?" Lauren asked with a small smile, she was always good at talking to people. Her mom always told her that she would make small talk with a tree if it was good enough company.

Camila ran her hand through her thick hair, a nervous habit of hers. "Maybe a few times," she shrugged.

"Do you...I don't know...think you could lend me one again?" Lauren asked again, giggling after Camila sighed and pulled a freshly sharpened pencil out of her bag. "Thank you," she said taking the tool from Camila's fingers. "So, Camila..." Lauren started, letting the name roll off her tongue,"tell me about yourself, considering your grade is going to drop substantially with me sitting here. If you have a good sob story I mightfeel bad."

"Tragically, I don't have a horrible life story. Moved here from Cuba, blah blah, now I waste away my life on the internet. Nothing interesting." Camila answered, she's gonna think I'm so lame.

"My life isn't much different, except I didn't come here from Cuba, but I do spend such a large amount of time online it's almost sad." Lauren said feigning sadness while Camila laughed. She's not so bad, Lauren thought to herself, the smile tugging at her lips broadening itself.

"You look more intimidating than you actually are," Camila said seriously after their giggles subsided.

"Well since I dress like a normal teenager," she specified motioning to her clothes,"and teachers don't like me from time to time people like to categorize me as a bitch."

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