You're Really Lovely

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“Yo, Jauregui smile.” Dinah Hansen said whilst probing the girl’s face and manipulating her eyebrows in many different ways. “You’ll get wrinkles and be even more ugly than you are now.” She joked, pushing the two brows apart but still failing to get the other girl to comply.

“Leave her be Di,” Normani warned from her position on the floor.

Ally raised her head from her resting place on Normani’s back to see what Dinah was doing. “Yeah, you know she’s not afraid to punch you.” She commented after seeing Dinah pull and stretch the poor girl’s facial muscles every which way.

“Well someone’s gotta try to get her to smile,” Dinah defended her actions.

“That’s Camila’s job,” Normani said, the teasing tone well laced in her voice as she turned her head towards kitchen where the girl was emptying a bag of popcorn into a bowl.

“The girl’s just gone through vocal surgery, let her be Dinah. You’re lucky she can’t curse you out.” Ally said. “And even if she wasn’t moodier than before, y’know she’d never smile that easily.” She hinted to the girl’s usual dark, broody mood.

Camila finally made her way back to the living room and handed the bowl of popcorn down to Normani and Ally before moving toward the couch. She slapped Dinah’s hand’s away from Lauren’s face and shooed her away from her girlfriend. “Thank you for your contribution CheeChee, but I’ll handle this.”

Dinah simply rose her hand in mock surrender and went back to her place in front of the TV.

Thank you for getting dinah away from me

Lauren wrote down on the mini whiteboard she was forced to carry around until she could be able to speak again and showed Camila.

“Welcome, babe.” Camila answered, maneuvering herself around on the couch until she found a position comfortable enough. “Aren’t you enjoying the movie?”

Lauren took back the whiteboard, erasing her previous words. When finished, she presented to Camila:


“Don’t be this way, we’ve thrown this small get-together just for you.”

Well I didn’t need, want or ask for it

Camila rolled her eyes. “You’re such a grumpy baby. Now come on, give me a smile.” She asked but only received a hard stare from the green-eyed girl. “Please?”

Her pout did nothing to deter the girl’s stare. “Come on, it’s been scientifically proven physically smiling can make you feel better. It’s called facial feedback.”

I don’t care

“I’ll get you to smile Lauren, you know I don’t give up that easily.” She warned.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head and she moved to face Lauren, a bright grin on her face. “Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella?” She started and Lauren knew where she was going with it before she finished her sentence. “Fo’ Drizzle.”

Rather than a laugh like she was expecting, Camila got a facepalm. “C’mon, that always made you laugh. How ‘bout this one: A husband gets his mother-in-law a cemetery plot for Christmas. The next year he gets her nothing and when questioned why, he answered “You haven’t used the one I got you last year.”

Please stop, this is painful

Camila scoffs and rolls her eyes once again. “Not until you give me a smile missy.”

At that Lauren forced a smile on her face, but it was clearly exaggerated and not at all what Camila was looking for. “Nuh uh, a real one.”

At that Lauren’s face went back to its previous state.

Still, Camila wasn’t giving up. “Okay, Dinah told me this one so it’s bound to make you laugh. A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says, “That’s the ugliest baby that I’ve ever seen. Ugh!” The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her, “The driver just insulted me!” The man says, “That’s terrible! You should go right up there and tell him off — Go ahead, I’ll hold your monkey for you.”


“Seriously? That didn’t make you smile?” She asked incredulously but Lauren’s face remains the same. “Wow. Alright fine.”

Without any warning Camila moved onto Lauren’s lap, placing the whiteboard on the floor and straddling the girl. She took a hold of Lauren’s face and made the girl stare into her eyes. After a moment of silence, she spoke. “Hey. I love you.”

Then slowly, ever slowly, Lauren’s face split and a smile spread.

“Yay!” Camila yelled, throwing her hands up in the air in celebration. Lauren on the other hand hid her face in Camila’s neck, obviously embarrassed that something as simple as that was enough to make her smile.

Once finished with her mini celebration, Camila moved her hands back to Lauren’s face and leveled their gaze. “I want you to smile more, Laur. Your smile is lovely and you should grace the world with it more often.”

Lauren reached for her board and once retrieved wrote:

Can I just get my kiss now?

“Give me another smile and I’ll give it to you.” Camila joked but the look she received from here was enough to make her relent. “ Alright, alright, dang. You’re so lucky I love you though.”

She then complied with Lauren’s wish and gave her multiple pecks that turned into a sweet long kiss.

Their smiles made the kiss hard to continue and Camila joked as they broke away. “There’s that smile.”

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