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“Let it go, Lauren.” Camila rolled her eyes at her girlfriend as she climbed up the stairs to their apartment. She enunciated each word as she took a step up. “Let. It. Go.”

“I can’t let it go.” Lauren huffed following the brunette up the stairs. “How are you so nonchalant about this?”

She reached their apartment floor and found the other girl with a scowl on her face leaning against the their door. She sighed in defeat and stuffed her hands in her leather jacket before making her way to her angry girlfriend.

“Don’t turn this on me. It’s not me who’s making a big deal out of it. It’s you. Why are you so upset?” Camila eyed the black-haired girl suspiciously.

Lauren ignored the question and took out her keys causing the other girl to move aside so that she could unlock the door. She walked in the apartment and threw the keys on the counter.

“Laur. Answer me.” The brown-eyed girl commanded.

“Camila, you basically draped yourself onto her! You might as well have sex with her right there.” The older huffed.

The two girls had come from a party. Before they left, the two girls were pulled in a group picture where Camila gave a hug to a taller brunette while Lauren was stuck on the other side to watch how close her girlfriend was to the other girl. Being as protective and possesive as she is, the green-eyed girl sparked in jealousy.

“Hailee is my oldest friend. We would never do that.” Camila reassured before a light bulb came up followed by a smirk. “Unless you’re into that.”

“Camz, seriously. You’re really making a joke about this.” Lauren stared at her girlfriend with an unimpressed face. She walked in their bedroom leaving the younger girl alone in the living room.

“YOU’RE BEING CHILDISH!” The brown-eyed girl yelled throughout the apartment.

“YEAH WELL GUESS THAT MAKES YOU AN IDIOT FOR DATING ME THEN!” She heard the older girl holler out causing a small grin to break out. Camila loved Lauren, especially when she’s jealous. A few seconds later Lauren came out with boxer shorts and a big t-shirt along with a pillow and a blanket in her hands. Camila raised an eyebrow when she noticed the two items.

“Oh so what? You’re so mad at me you can’t even sleep in the same room as me?” The brunette asked rhetorically.

“Precisely.” Lauren hummed.

“Well. Have fun sleeping on the couch!” Camila rolled her eyes and started to walk to their bedroom but the green-eyed girl stepped in front of her.

“Oh no. You missed understood. It’s you who will have fun sleeping on the couch.” She pushed the items in the smaller girl’s chest and smiled smugly before disappearing back to their room.

“Are you serious?” The younger girl sneered eyeing the items placed in her possession. She heard their door creak and looked up meeting her girlfriend’s eyes glint with revenge.

“Dead serious.” Lauren stated firmly as she threw pieces of clothing for Camila to change in. The brunette screamed in annoyance and picked up the clothes on the floor. She disposed the blanket and pillow on the couch then made her way to the bathroom.

“I hate this t-shirt!” She complained as she banged the wall next to their bedroom so the raven-haired girl could hear.

“And the shirt hates you!” The older girl rebutted.

“ANNOYING!” Camila sang.

“OBNIXIOUS!” Lauren countered.

The younger girl shook her head and decided to stop the argument. Knowing Lauren she would never back down. She took a shower and freshened up putting the clothes the older girl had given her. She looked in the mirror and bit her lip as she read the black shirt with the lettering that says ‘I’m on a timeout.’ She sighed before leaving the bathroom and settling down on the couch.

No matter how many times she fluffed the pillow or arranged the cushions of the sofa, Camila could never get comfortable. She squirmed around trying to ease herself but there was no use.

“Ughhh.” She whined hitting the cushions on her right. “Fuck this couch.”

The exhaustion of moving around the couch caught up to her and allowed her to fall asleep. Her breathing fell in a slow rhythm, chest rising and falling peacefully.

“I hate that I love you, Lauren. Goodnight love.” She mumbled softly.

After a few hours, Lauren peeked out her door and checked if her girlfriend had fallen asleep. She herself couldn’t find some sleep without the brunette by her side so she decided to check up on the girl. She tip toed to the couch and found the small girl curled up in the sofa with a frown on her face. She smiled a little at the thought of her girlfriend’s struggle but couldn’t help and feel guilty. So she went back to her room and gathered up a blanket and a pillow then slowly made her way back to the couch and set the items on the floor.

The green-eyed girl kneeled down beside Camila and brushed a small strand of hair off her face. She leaned down and placed a small kiss on the girl’s temple before lying on the floor. Her head on the pillow with her hands neatly folded on top of her abdomen. She glanced quickly at the sleeping brunette who had shifted slightly, the petite girl’s arm dangling on the edge of the couch, almost falling off.

Lauren saw the opportunity and intertwined her hand with Camila’s. No matter how mad she was at the younger girl, she loved her much more to let her sleep on the couch by herself. Her eyes fell heavy and soon they fluttered close.

“Night, night. I love you, Camz.” She whispered.

In the middle of the night, Camila felt a small tug on her arm. She craned her head to see what it was but a jerking pain jolted through it. She tried to pull it back but something was latched onto it and when she followed the resistance it led back to her lying girlfriend on the floor. She chuckled softly knowing that Lauren could never get mad at her. She examined the girl’s face and concluded that the green-eyed girl was probably having a nightmare. 

So the brunette untangled her hand from the older girl’s and got up from her position on the couch. She grabbed her pillow and threw it on the floor next to where the raven-haired girl laid. She walked around the girl quietly as she lifted the blanket to cuddle with Lauren. As she rested her head on the pillow facing her girlfriend she hummed a soothing melody and wrapped her arms around the girl’s torso.  

“Hailee she’s mine. Get away from her.” Lauren mumbled in her sleep. The brown-eyed girl lifted her eyes to stare at her girlfriend in disbelief. Lauren’s nightmare was about Hailee trying to steal the younger girl.

Camila snuggled closer and pressed an open mouth kiss on Lauren’s neck. “No one is going to take me away from you, Lo. I’m yours.”

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