Just Like Magic *

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*Sexual Content*

Lauren G!P

“Why are you hiding?” the wolf asks, and Camila ’s wings flutter, her face drawing into a frown.

“I could ask you the same question,” Camila  huffs, landing on a branch closer to the wolf but not daring to fly low enough to be caught. she ’s taller than a wolf is on four legs, but the wolf looks a great deal stronger. “You have two forms, and you can speak to me as a person, not a beast.”

“It’s easier to be a wolf in the forest,” she  replies, but Camila  can see her  start to shiver, fur disappearing and body reshaping until there’s a naked girl  in her place. she  steps forward, shameless and bare, and holds out a hand. her voice is pleasant and low when she  asks, “Will you come down now, fairy?”

“Will you hurt me?” Camila  asks, hoping there’s enough honor in this girl  to tell the truth. Camila  doesn’t know much about werewolves besides their connection to the moon and their sad howls she  hears sometimes at night.

“I promise I won’t.”

Camila  takes a deep breath, putting her faith in the word of a wolf and hopping down to the ground, brushing dirt off her tunic. They’re near the same height when Camila  stands, and Camila  watches the beautiful emerald eyes sweep down her body.

“You’re the first fairy I’ve ever met,” the girl  says breathlessly, stepping closer. Camila ’s wings flutter nervously.

“And you’re the first lycanthrope I’ve met. Do you have a name, wolf?”

“Lauren ,” she  says, bowing her head to show respect. Camila  does the same, giving Lauren  her name as well. “I’m usually with my pack, but I–“ her face darkens for a moment, and then she  meets Camila ’s eyes. "I’m supposed to be out finding a mate. I’m of the age where I’m supposed to have one, but it’s not as simple as just courting any available wolf.” Lauren  shrugs, lifting a hand to run through her wild curls. “Do fairies take mates?”

“Not as a rule,” Camila  says, stepping back until she ’s leaning into the scratchy bark of the tree, somehow addicted to the warm gaze in Lauren ’s eyes. “Most fairies take multiple companions.” Camila  wrinkles her nose in distaste just thinking about it.

Lauren  smiles, showing a hint of slightly longer canines than a human would have. “You disagree?”

“I have no interest in those kinds of orgies,” Camila  says haughtily, but her breath hitches suddenly as Lauren  steps close, close enough to tuck her face into Camila ’s neck, nose brushing Camila ’s skin. Camila  is frozen, heart beating fast, but all Lauren  does is sniff before pulling back.

“Forgive me,” Lauren  says, looking suddenly flustered, the black pupils of her eyes wider than before. “Your scent is… intoxicating, Camila .” Camila  can see the naked hunger on her face before Lauren  looks away, clearly embarrassed.

“What do I smell like?” Camila  asks, curiosity getting the better of her .

“It’s hard to put scent into words… Like earth, like the cool wind before it rains and the sweet smell of leaves covering the ground in autumn, of buds blooming on trees in the spring. You smell like life,” Lauren  finishes, lips parting as she  stares at Camila .

Camila  stares back, heart still beating so fast, and she  leans in to whisper to Lauren , “You mostly just smell like wet dog to me.”

Lauren  laughs, and for a brief, playful moment, she  leans in as well and licks a wet stripe up Camila ’s cheek, pulling back and licking her lips as Camila  stares at her  in shock.

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