Forgive Me?

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Camila pov:

“No Cams I don’t care this is the second time this week you have called off our date.” Lauren said to me in an angry tone. I’m not going to lie I liked angry Laur it was sexy…but stubborn Laur? Not so much.

“Aw come on Lolo you know the only reason I have to cancel is because I have to help my mom move all her things into her new office this Friday.” I tried explaining to her while she burrowed her eye brows and had her arms crossed.

I grabbed her hand and she quickly snatched it out of my grip. “But you promised me that you would never cancel again.” She whispered in a husky sadden voice. “Baby I know but sometimes things come up…you understand that don’t you?” She looked at me blankly with the anger still noticeable in her piercing eyes. She turned around arms still crossed, “Whatever Camila.” Uh oh. The only time Lauren ever did ‘whatever Camila’ me was when she was really pissed. Dammit I really wished right now that my mom didn’t have to get a new job, despite how happy I was for her.

I made my way across the room to find my arms wrapped around Laurens torso. “Come on baby don’t be mad.” She pushed my arms off immediately after I said that. “We can fix this.” She whipped around to look at me even more enraged than she already was. “We? I think you should fix this yourself.”

“Fine.” I snapped back. “You want me to fix this? You really want me to fix whatever the hell is wrong right now?” She nodded so far unimpressed with the lack of emotion I was using in my voice. I grabbed her waist and slammed our bodies together. She looked at me wide eyed taken aback by my sudden actions.

I looked at her lips and licked my own. I whispered in a low tone “So you really want me to fix this problem don’t you?” She nodded unable to speak still in shock of my dominance in this position. Usually Lauren was the one in this relationship who was in charge. She was always the leader when we were cuddling, kissing, and well…doing other ‘things’ too. I kept my hands tight on her hips and motioned her towards my bed, laying her down. I climbed on top of her straddling her. I looked down at her confused adorable face. She had no idea where I was going with this considering the fact that tonight we were playing different roles this time.

I pinned her head down on my pillow, her hands next to her face. I intertwined our fingers and got close to her lips, close enough to touch. But I wasn’t going to fix this ‘problem’ of ours too quickly. “You know Lauren I can fix this right now if I wanted to…” She looked my lips curl into a smirk and darted her eyes at me. Lauren isn’t dumb she knew exactly where this could be going. “…But I don’t think I should.” I teased. I kissed her forehead leading down to her cheek finding her neck.

I sucked it feeling her breathing get heavier. “Camila I know what you’re doing…” she managed to let out after I continued to kiss her neck. I slid down the strap of her tank top and kissed her collarbone lightly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I say slightly smiling while pecking her cheek. “This won’t change the fact that you ditched our last two dates to help your mom.” She said still being stubborn and keeping her ground. Geesh this was going to be harder than I thought.

I grabbed the hem of her tank top lifting it up midway past her bellybutton. I went down to kiss around her stomach. “You sure you can’t just forgive me?” I say while running my hands down the bag of her legs. I slowly spread them rubbing the insides of her things. I kissed her left knee and made my downward stopping at the end of her very short shorts. “I would hate for you to still be mad at me Lo. I really wanted to show you something while my parents and Sofi are out for dinner and going to see a movie.” She raised her eye brow as I made my way back up to her face, she just then realizing what I wanted to show her, we had plenty of time for.

I finally kissed her lips hard feeling on her sides, my body in between her legs inclining into her. She groped my ass feeling up and down my body about to take off my shirt while my hands were already about to take off hers, when I stopped. She shot up confused, out of breath, and not amused. “W-why did you stop??” she whispered still having a hold on me while I looked at her smiling somewhat out of breath as well. “Well if you don’t forgive me then what’s the point?” I started to get off of her when I felt my body on the bed to now being straddled myself.

“Oh I forgive you alright.” She kissed me pulling my shirt over my head, messing with my hair. “Is that so?” I said giggling as we met for another kiss, Laurens shirt and pants already off. My hand finding my way to her thighs rubbing them and pulling so close there was no distance between our bodies. “Yeah I want to thank you for trying to fix this. You did a good job.” She said in a husky voice unbuttoning my jeans. “You wanna thank me huh?” I said smiling as Lauren kissed my neck making her way down my body to find herself right above my panty line. She teased me as she ran her fingers around my underwear elastic. “You think I’ll have enough time to really thank you?” I looked at the clock. “Can you thank me in 2 hours?” I raised my eye brow questionably knowing the answer. She started to pull down my underwear. “Of course.”

Man, was I happy that night she forgave me.

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