My Angel is the Centerfold

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Drives home from college were always the worst for Lauren. She had thought the idea of taking a mini road trip with her best friends would be fun but she always quickly learned who she cannot travel with. Apparently, it was everyone.

"Are we there yet?"

"I think we're lost."

"Shut up, I know where we're going."

"I have to pee."

And it would go on and on and on. She regretted not fighting harder to be the designated driver because she at least was smart enough to use GPS to find their way meanwhile this sad excuse for a college student couldn't find his way out of a paper bag, or so Lauren argued.

"Just pull over and let me drive," she tried arguing with him. They'd been on the road for three and a half hours already but they honestly weren't getting anywhere. "Do you even know where we are, Shawn?"

"Fuck off, Lauren. I got this."

"You clearly don't. We're not even supposed to pass through this town. I told you that you messed up after we passed through Orlando."

"I did not."

"Miami is on the other side of the state," their other friend, Ally, piped up from the back. "I just checked on my phone." A groan erupted from every person in the car and Shawn threw his hands up in defeat, quickly putting them back on the wheel.

"Fine! There's a gas station over here. We can stop for the bathroom and get some more drinks and snacks for the road."

"And then I'll drive," Lauren told him, unbuckling her seat belt.

"Fine." He pulled the car over and shut the engine. Everyone clambered out of the SUV stretching dramatically after being stuck in one position for hours.

"Lauren and I will get the snacks while Normani pees and Shawn fills the tank," Ally suggested, earning an eye roll from the boy as he too got out of the car. She smiled brightly, walking past him and smacked the back of his head on her way. "That's what you get for getting us lost."

Lauren shook her head, laughing at her idiot friends as they went into the mini mart in search for junk food. After wandering up and down the aisles aimlessly for a while, collecting random things in her arms she found Shawn standing near the rack of magazines.

"Hey, can you grab some of these for me?" she asked after almost dropping a bottle of soda. He didn't even glance up as he barely grunted a response. "Hello? Earth to dumbass," she yelled, nudging him in the side. When he said nothing else she looked down at what he was reading and kicked him hard in the shin.


"This is why you can't help me? Who the hell even reads dirty magazines?"

"I'm a guy, sue me."

"You're disgusting."

"Like you wouldn't enjoy it," he joked and she rolled her eyes at him.

"You're an idiot." She stepped around him and found the other girls at the register to pay for everything.

"Where's Shawn?" Ally asked when she noticed the boy wasn't standing at the car anymore.

"You don't want to know."

"Why? What's he-" she started but was interrupted by Shawn's obnoxious laughter ringing throughout the store.

"No fucking way!" he shouted to no one in particular. When they found him he still had the magazine in his hands, throwing his head back clearly overjoyed at something.

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