Caution: Handcuffs

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Lauren wiped the perspiration from her brow and resumed dipping the net into the pool. She did not know whose idea it was to plant a tree so close to a swimming pool, but she wanted to meet the person and punch him in the throat.

She was pretty certain it was a guy since no woman would do something so incredibly stupid.

Her arms burned as she tried to negotiate the long pole around the enormous pool, attempting to fish out the errant leaves and twigs.

Why in the world was it so hot? It felt more like desert weather, rather than beach weather. TV lied to her again.

The heat continued to bite into her skin and Lauren soon began regretting the fact that she was only wearing a tank top and a pair of tiny shorts over her swimsuit. At this rate her skin was going to darken even more, she thought grumpily.

She paused momentarily when a gentle breeze drifted by. Lowering her sore arms, she sighed in content as she felt it travel over her body, imagining that she was tucked safely away back in her air conditioned room.

The fantasy quickly vanished when she realized that she still had to clean all the pool and hot tub filters.

Lauren knew she should be the last person complaining, this was her idea after all. She wanted to brag to all her friends that she had spent her entire summer working in a foreign country instead of staying in Cuba to attend summer school or tutor kids.

She wanted to regale them with stories of her bohemian lifestyle, roaming across the US of A, learning about the culture while taking odd jobs to support herself.

Her parents, unfortunately, had different ideas. They were completely appalled by what they called “another one of her hair-brained schemes”. Lauren refused all their overtures of plum summer jobs and even a month of slacking off was not enough to entice her to abandon her plans.

Her refusal to capitulate was partly from stubbornness, and partly because she had already told everyone at school about her plans. Their constant fights went nowhere until one day, her mother caught Lauren attempting to apply for a travel visa online. After that, her parents quickly tried to strike a compromise.

Her father asked one of his old army buddies living in America if Lauren could stay with his family for the summer. The friend quickly agreed since he had a daughter roughly the same age and thought the two would get along.

When Lauren was presented with the idea, she immediately opposed it. This was supposed to be her summer of exploration and discovery, and it was far from romantic to be staying at a family friend’s house for the summer.

Lauren continued protesting until her parents kindly reminded her that she barely avoided flunking every level of her English classes.

They then proceeded to show her pictures of the opulent house at which she would be staying. Lauren immediately agreed. Though her pride did dictate that she demand to work to pay for her rent and food during the stay. Her father’s friend was apparently good natured and humored her, allowing her assume some of the duties of his gardeners to maintain and clean the pool area in exchange for room and board.

It wasn’t a glamorous job, but the important part was that she would still be able to brag to her friends when she got back.

Her father’s friend, one Mr. Cabello, was a middle aged fellow with an easy smile and considerate personality. The moment Lauren stepped out into the baggage claim area, Mr. Cabello made sure Lauren was as comfortable as possible.

Things only get better when she was taken from the airport in an expensive sedan and then later pulled up to an elegant two story Spanish-style home. Lauren immediately fell in love. And to top everything off, she was to stay in the pool house. Instead of a room, she would have an entire house to herself! Of course, Lauren knew the world was not perfect, and in light of her absolutely perfect situation, there was of course, one catch.

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