Fuck Forever

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Lauren was by far the most fucking stubborn person Camila’s ever known. For as long as she could remember, Lauren was the most hard headed, most stubborn person in all of junior high and then in high school. And now, two years into university, majoring in English and both aspiring to someday publish a collection of books and novels of their own, that still hadn’t changed.

Lauren didn’t budge, and she didn’t give in to the things that she felt so strongly a hatred for. When she liked a certain type of toothpaste, she refused to ever let Camila buy any other brand. When she hated a cereal, the cereal ceased to exist in Lauren and Camila’s world. And when she had her mind set on a certain belief, she made sure she didn’t let a single person change that for her. And Camila loved that about her;  she loved every single irritating and restless trait that her green-eyed girlfriend had to offer.

Camila, on the other hand, had to admit that she was the complete opposite. She was totally open to trying new things and adapting her interests into the things Lauren had rubbed on off her. Before, Camila didn’t care for Colgate toothpaste, but she loved the way Lauren’s lips tasted after she had just waken up, so she learned to love Colgate– and only Colgate. 

A few things Camila couldn’t meet ends on was the bundle of Lauren’s morbid beliefs. Lauren couldn’t stand religion– she had nothing against those who believed in whatever God they thought existed, but she couldn’t stand the pretentious rules they had to abide to, and she couldn’t stand the outdated practices religion required upon belief. 

But there was a certain thing Lauren preached that made Camila’s stomach churn with slight frustration and anxiety. Lauren believed that every love was bound to an end;  every love severed one way or another. Camila disagreed;  she could so easily promise Lauren an eternity of never-ending love and compassion.

Lauren couldn’t.

“It’s just highly unlikely that you and I could love each other for a whole forever,” Lauren proposed, propping herself onto her elbows as she stared lovingly at the brunette laying in front of her.

“I will love you forever, Lauren,” Camila disagreed, biting down on her lip as she had a subconscious stare down with her girlfriend of 5 years.

“See, you don’t know that,” Lauren pointed out, snapping her finger at the proclamation. “Who’s to say that you won’t fall right in love with the next guy you lay your eyes on?" 

"Bologna! How shallow do you think I am– falling in love with a total stranger?” Camila spat out, slightly offended by the suggestion. 

“I think it’s totally possible;  I mean, that’s how I fell in love with you,” Lauren shrugged, a smug smile on her face. “Besides, maybe you won’t realize it in that exact moment. But someday, you might wake up with him on your mind and this feeling in your chest telling you that you don’t love me anymore.”

“What if we’re soulmates, huh?” Camila challenged her, slightly interested in this topic of conversation. “I know you’re my soulmate. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about, huh?” Lauren kinked her eyebrows up.

Camila sighed, pulling her hair back with her finger tips. She felt slightly uncomfortable thinking of a life without her loving Lauren;  she couldn’t even imagine loving someone that wasn’t Lauren. She’s spent 5 years loving her so easily and so simply, through all the challenges they’ve faced. Maybe it would have been easier to have given up years ago during the peak of their difficulties, but she loved Lauren, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“Are you saying you want to wake up with someone else on your mind and your heart telling you that you don’t love me anymore?” Camila asked, her tone serious and weak. It was a sad question to ask, one that she felt was important to know.

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