Dr. Jauregui *

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*Sexual Content*

“Do you think it’ll work?” Camila asked worriedly on her Polynesian best friend whose sitting on the driver’s seat.

 “I think it’s the most ridiculous idea that someone would ever come up with… but since I’m your best friend I should support you.” Dinah responded, tapping the smaller girl on her shoulder.

Camila stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, her best friend is right. It is indeed the most ridiculous idea ever, how did she even come up with it?

She let out a sigh before unbuckling her seat belt. “Okay. I’ll call you later, Cheechee.” She said, leaning towards the taller girl for a hug before getting out of the car.

“Good luck,” was the last thing she heard from her best friend before the car disappeared.

“Here goes nothing.” She thought to herself before entering the big automatic door of South Miami Hospital.

She walks towards the elevator, waiting for the G to appear on the mini screen with an old lady together with a bald man and a nurse. They heard the familiar ping, announced the arrival of the elevator. The double door opened and all four of them stepped inside.

When she reached the 7th floor, she headed straight to the office of her desired doctor.

Dr. Lauren Jauregui, despite of being new and a youngster to the industry she have showed excellence on treating her patients.

Everything about her turns Camila on; her captivating green eyes, her ways of taking care with her patients, her beautiful mind and most of all her cheeky smile that could lit up a room.

She was obsessed with the green eyed doctor ever since she has laid her brown eyes on hers. One afternoon, she visited her half-sister Ally who was a nurse.

She texted her to have lunch together, but while she was sitting on the waiting area, waiting for her a beautiful woman wearing a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck walked in front of her beside a nurse who’s listening attentively with her given instructions.

She would visit the hospital daily when she has time to low key have a glance with the doctor. Her sister thought that she was actually visiting her, but it was only half-truth since she was also there for Dr. Jauregui.

“What can I do for you, Miss?” A raved skin girl wearing an all-white uniform asked when Camila approached her.

“Is Dr. Jauregui here?” She responded, smiling on the nurse in front of her.

“Oh. Do you have an appointment with her today? Can I just get your name Ma’am?”

“Actually I don’t, but … It’ll be quick. I just need her little help.” She said, rambling her heart starts to beat so fast.

What did she actually let herself into?

The nurse stared at her, thinking if she would allow her to meet Dr. Jauregui without an appointment, but this brown eyed girl seems to be so desperate. And knowing Lauren, she knew she’d help anyone who needed her.

“Please,” Camila begged.

The nurse just nodded and told her that she would ask Dr. Jauregui first if it was okay.

“Yes, Nurse Kordei?” The young doctor asked as she noticed the familiar nurse entered her office.

“Uhm… Dr. Jauregui, there’s this girl outside asking for your help, is that okay even though she doesn’t have appointment with you?” Nurse Kordei explained.

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