Because I Love Her

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Lauren sat on the couch in the home she shared with her girlfriend, Camila. Lauren had always been the “grumpy” one while Camila was the upbeat, smiley one. The term “opposites attract” applied in all areas for them, yet, they worked so well together. They’d been together since high school. Lauren saw Camila struggling to find her class, so being a helpful and well equipped sophomore, she helped the smaller girl out. She was expecting to just tell her where the classroom was and go about her business, instead she became enthralled with the younger girl’s beauty. Despite being a tad awkward, Camila was beautiful; she had long brown hair and these enticingly warm chocolate eyes to match. They were big and doe-like, little did Lauren know, that they would have her whipped like no other.

Camila could make Lauren do anything. She didn’t how to explain it but she knew Lauren was always putty in her hands. No matter how ridiculous or far-fetched Camila’s request was, as long as it made her happy, Lauren would do it.

“Oh Lauren,” Camila sing-songed skipping into the living room, banana in hand and dopey grin on her face.

Lauren looked over, raising her eyebrow at the smaller girl. Camila was always very peppy, but today she seemed a little bit too chipper. There was a nagging feeling in Lauren’s gut, she knew that silly little grin all too well.

Lauren sighed, turning down the volume of the television so she could focus on Camila. The smaller girl crawled in her lap, offering a bite of her banana. Lauren politely declined but rolled her eyes, taking a bite anyway when she saw the pout forming on Camila’s lips. She cringed a little, yet, she swallowed it down with a tight-lipped smile. Camila smiled and cuddled more into Lauren’s lap, the older girl chuckled before wrapping her arms around her girlfriend’s petite frame.

“Is there anything that you needed? Or did you just want to share your banana?” Lauren asked, playing with a few strands of Camila’s soft hair. The younger one giggled and shook her head, the overly excited glint came sparkling back into her eyes.

“I wanna go on a car ride,” Camila said biting her lip as she rocked happily in Lauren’s lap. “We can take a trip to our spot.”  

The older girl rose her eyebrows, she was surprised. Usually that dopey little grin on Camila’s face usually meant some type of overzealous request, but no, she just wanted to go for a ride. Lauren couldn’t argue with that, she wasn’t doing anything and it probably was best for her to go out and get some fresh air.  

“Okay,” Lauren compiled with a simple nod of her head, unraveling her arms and patting Camila’s thighs gently signalling for her to get off.

Her girlfriend squealed and jumped off her lap. Camila ran up the stairs, coming down moments later with a CD in hand, clad in one of Lauren’s hoodie and her favorite pair of banana socks along with her bright pink Crocs. The older girl rolled her eyes at Camila’s choice of footwear but said nothing, she only chuckled and grabbed her keys and jacket before slipping on her sandals and walking to meet Camila at the door.

“Don’t you make fun of my shoes, missy,” Camila crossed her arms as she waited for Lauren. “I’ll have you know that these are fine, Italian, leather.” she said bringing her leg up to wiggle her foot in front of her girlfriend.

“I didn’t even say anything, Camz,” Lauren giggled coming face to face with the slightly shorter girl.

“But you were thinking it!” Camila pointed at Lauren with a slight pout gracing her lips. Lauren couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss it away, she pulled back giggling at the dreamy lovestruck look in Camila’s eyes. Lauren was too busy looking at Camila to notice that her keys had been taken out of her hand. Camila snickered and jingled the keys in front of Lauren’s face. “I’m driving by the way.”

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