Begin Again (2014)

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Took a deep breath in the mirror

 He didn’t like it when I wore high heels

 But I do

As I look in the mirror I see myself, standing in a yellow sun dress with black heels on. I remember Austin used to hate when I wore them. ‘They make your legs look fat.’ He would say…’I don’t like it when you are taller than me, I told you not to wear them, why did you?’ he would say anytime I showed up somewhere in heels. We broke up a few months ago…he said he didn’t love me. I don’t think he ever did.

 Turn the lock and put my headphones on

 He always said he didn’t get this song

 But I do, I do

“Mila, I set you up on a date, don’t be late!” my best friend Dinah says through the phone.

“Dinah, I told you, I’m not ready…” I say

“Camila, it has been 8 months! Don’t let that loser control you and your life!” she says firmly.

“Ok…where is it?” I ask, she squeals with pleasure. When I get in the car to go I hear one of my favorite songs. Skinny Love by Birdy. He always hated this song. ‘I just don’t get the lyrics….the whole thing is annoying.’ He would say, skipping it on my iPod. I tried to get him to listen to the words. ‘Skinny love…it’s such an interesting concept.’ I would say. He laughs, ‘Skinny love…that’s what you and I would be if you could lose a few pounds.’ He says. I don’t respond, he says things like that a lot, I try to ignore them. I pull up outside the coffee shop. Dinah says this girl is really nice…nothing like Austin.

 Walked in expecting you’d be late

 But you got here early and you stand and wave

 I walk to you

 You pull my chair out and help me in

 And you don’t know how nice that is

 But I do

I walk in, looking around I don’t see very many people. Then I see this girl with long dark hair, looking at her watch. She looks up and smiles at me.

“Camila?” she says. I nod. She was early, Austin never was. He would always come in late…said I should just wait for him. She motions me to a table, I am about to sit when she pulls the chair out for me. I look at her, surprised, normally people don’t do these things for me. I smile widely at her. She sits down.

“So, what are you going to get?” she asks

 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid

 I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny ‘cause he never did

 I’ve been spending the last eight months

 Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end

 But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again

We have been here for almost an hour, sipping coffee and eating muffins. Our conversation flows easily, never an awkward moment. Her eyes are possibly the most beautiful things I have ever seen, like looking into her soul.

“Wanna hear a joke?” I ask. She nods. “Why did the cookie go to the hospital?” I ask.

“Um, I don’t know, why?” she says.

“Because he felt a little crummy!” I say, smiling. She looks at me then bursts out into laughter, causing some people to look at us.

“Oh my god.” She says.

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