Hide & Seek

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‘’What the hell?’’ Dinah asked when the TV went off suddenly, right in the middle of her favorite scene of Titanic. The ‘Paint me like one of your French girls.’ one.

‘’Who sat on the remote?!’’ Normani asked as she started looking for the remote control under and beside her on the couch.

‘’Camila.’’ Dinah answered right away just to tease her best friend, but the chances of that being true were high.

‘’No, I didn’t!’’ Camila said in defense and furrowed her brows to Dinah, who was sat beside her on one of the three couches.

‘’Where the hell is the remote?’’ Normani asked as she didn’t find it around her.

‘’It’s not here…’’ Camila said while Dinah was buring her hands behind them two in the couch to find it.

‘’Get your ass out of there.’’ The Polinesean said and pushed Camila out of the couch, in a not very gentle move, making the girl slide to the floor.

‘’Dinah!’’ Camila said and rolled her eyes as the girl shoved her hand in between the cushions where Camila was.

‘’I knew it was under your big ass…’’ Dinah told her, raising the found-remote and giving her a smile, that Camila replied at by rolling her eyes. Dinah threw it to the other couch where Lauren and Normani were sitting.

‘’What happened now?’’ Ally asked after Normani pressed the ‘On’ button many times and the TV screen kept in full black.

‘’Camila broke the TV.’’ Lauren said staring at the screen and Dinah left out a loud laugh.

‘’Shut up, Lauren.’’ Camila said rolling her eyes to the girl.

‘’I don’t doubt it…’’ Dinah said chuckling and Camila punched her arm.

‘’Why it isn’t working?’’ Normani groaned, annoyed, and stood up to check on the TV. The girls watched her checking the plugs and trying to turn it on many times, but it didn’t. She furrowed her brows in confusion and tried turning on the light of the living room.

‘’The eletricity went off.’’ She said as the living room was still only being filled by the weak light coming from outside. The sun was almost done with its setting.

‘’Yep…’’ Lauren said nodding her head ater she tried turning on the lampshade from beside the couch she was sitting.

‘’Great…’’ Dinah said and huffed because she missed her favorite part of the movie.

‘’Is it just here?’’ Ally asked Normani as the girl opened the curtains from the big window behind the couch, on the center of the room, to look outside.

‘’I don’t think so.’’ Normani answered as her eyes ran over the street and the light poles, that seeing the time should be on, were all off.

‘’I asked my mom and she sent me a text saying that the entire neighborhood is like this.’’ Lauren said as she was texting her mom back.

‘’Nice.’’ Dinah groaned again and stood up to check the street along with Normani by the window.

‘’I told you I had to charge my phone!’’ Camila yelled to Dinah, after seeing that her battery was less than half fulled and the girl shrugged.

‘’Let’s hope it will come back soon…’’ Normani said giving a last look at the street and going back to the couch, beside Lauren.

They waited patiently for more than half hour and the lights didn’t come back. The five girls were in total silence, each one on their phones, totally focused on whatever they were doing. They were totally in the dark, besides the lights from the phones on their faces. After more fifteen minutes, Camila broke the silence.

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