Bed Time Blues

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‘Camila you’re not sleeping on the couch!’ Lauren yelled at the Latina who continued to storm off ahead of her frustratingly.

‘You see Lauren, that’s where you’re wrong’ She retorted and grabbed the blanket that was strewn absentmindedly on the sofa, splaying it out like a bed sheet.

'I’m never wrong Camila, especially about this. We’re together, therefore we sleep together’ she retaliated, emphasizing the word 'together’ and ripping the blanket off the sofa.

‘Being together means that both participants have a say in what the other person does. I say I’m sleeping on the sofa, you say I’m not, but either way and whether you like it or not, it’s my life, my sofa, and ultimately my decision. So if I want to sleep on the sofa, I’m going to fucking sleep on the sofa’ she snapped back viciously, pushing past the older girl and scooping up the blanket that had been tossed over her shoulder only for said girl to block her path.

‘Camila, put down the blanket and get back in the bed’ the green eyed girl ordered sternly.

‘Sure, I’ll get back into bed as soon as you get out of my way!’ the angered Latina exclaimed.


‘Lauren, if I don’t want to sleep in the same bed as you, then that’s my right’

‘And as your girlfriend, I have a problem with that’

‘And as your girlfriend I don’t appreciate being yelled at for no good reason’

Sighing, Lauren ran a hand through her hair and folded her arms, she had blown her top and she regretted it but she was pushed. You see, the green eyed girl had been having a very heated argument with one of the students at the college Lauren and Camila both attended. The younger girl wandered in halfway through the argument and when she pressed the raven haired girl on what they were arguing about she completely blew it off like it was nothing. Between us, the girl that Lauren had been arguing with was responsible for a few rumours floating around that Camila was supposedly sleeping with her English professor to get her good grades.

However the younger Latina was none the wiser to these rumours and Lauren wanted to make sure it stayed that way. If Camila found out, she wouldn’t be able to walk into college the next day in fear that people were talking about her; Lauren was doing this for her own protection but Camila just couldn’t seem to understand that. So when she wouldn’t drop it, the green eyed girl eventually snapped and that’s when Camila stormed out of the room and made a beeline for the couch.

‘I’m sorry for yelling at you Camz, but you wouldn’t let it go’ she tried to explain but her girlfriend was having none of it.

‘Because you won’t tell me what you and that girl were arguing about, if it really was nothing you wouldn’t have acted as strangely as you did’

‘Can’t you just trust that it was nothing?’

‘No Lauren I can’t’ she replied simply and a thought accumulated in her mind as she tapped her fingers rhythmically on the kitchen counter. ‘Are you sleeping with her?’ Lauren’s jaw dropped a mile wide, how could she ask her something like that, she has never once given Camila a reason to think she was unfaithful to her so where was this coming from?

‘What are you- No, of course I’m not sleeping with her! But obviously there are some other issues we need to talk about if you think I’m sleeping around’ Lauren exclaimed, spitting her words angrily at the accusation.

‘Good idea Lauren, let’s change the subject, are you sleeping with anyone else?’ Camila mused, and folded her arms across her chest.

‘No Camila, I’m not sleeping with anyone else. Are you?’

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