Coming Down

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All alone

All alone

Lauren wasn't alone, not really. There were countless nameless faces and grinding bodies surrounding her. The air was pungent with the heavy stench of alcohol and sweat. She contributed to the scene with her sloshing bottle in hand, carelessly blending into her environment. As she moved and danced against strangers, she couldn't abandon the notion that something was missing. Perhaps it was someone.

All alone

All alone

Someone. Camila. Her movements stopped with the crushing realization that she was doing it again. Where was Camila?

"Shit," Lauren swore at her carelessness and hastily excused herself from the atmosphere.

She'd been doing so well. One drink led to another, and she didn't even remember how she'd gotten to be here. God damn it. What happened to her promise? Her fingers ran through her hair as she pressed the bottle to her lips once more. The bitter taste she craved hit her tongue, but that same action seemed to sober her up. Something within her commanded her to stop when she remembered that this was what was tearing them apart. She weaved through the crowd on the outskirts, suddenly desperate to get somewhere quiet. The bass was making her head pound. This headache was killer.

Uncoordinated fingers rushed to grasp her cell phone from her pocket. The four text messages and two missed calls from Camila didn't come as a surprise. With a heightened sense of apprehension, she unlocked her phone. She was met with the home screen of the two of them, casually sharing a chaste kiss. It was from when times were happier. Regret washed over her at the thought of what Camila would say. Her nerves almost got the best of her, but she pressed call anyway.

I got something to tell you

But don't know how I'mma say it

I guess that I could only say one thing

"Camila...?" Lauren said cautiously. She braced herself for the yelling. She prepared herself for the cursing, but it didn't come. Her girlfriend was eerily quiet on the other line for the first few moments.

"Where are you?" Camila asked. There was no malice to her tone. She knew exactly where Lauren was. She knew very well. It was the same place she always was at this time of night. To further confirm her assumption, she pulled the phone back to check the time. 3:21 AM. Typical.

"Um, well..." Lauren stalled, trying her best to come up with an excuse. Her mind was hazy, having only sobered up a little bit. A tentative hand rubbed at the back of her neck as she prolonged her answer.

"I'm coming," Camila huffed, then hung up the phone.

Girl I been bad again

Girl I been bad again

"I'm sorry... Don't be mad," Lauren pleaded as she got into the car. She closed the door behind her tentatively and anticipated the backlash that was sure to follow. It was repetitive. By now, she was keen on the things Camila would say, for she'd heard them all before.

"I'm not mad, Lauren. I'm tired," Camila sucked in a calming breath and gripped the steering wheel a little harder. That was a loaded statement. Yes, she was physically tired; However, those same words held a weight that Lauren understood immediately.

"Sorry," Lauren repeated dejectedly. It was apparent to her that Camila wasn't up for conversation. Instead, she placed her hands between her thighs and looked out of the window. The tension between the two of them was uncomfortably palpable.

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