Admit It (2014)

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Everybody knew that something was going on between Miss Cabello and Miss Jauregui. The way both of them blushed if someone said the others name in class. The way they would smile when talking about the other. The way they would look down shyly as they passed each other in the hallway. The way they exchanged good mornings and disappeared together when they didn’t have a class. Everybody knew, nobody questioned it.

What they didn’t know, though, was the extent to which it all went. How they left together every evening after they were done with everything. How they ate together every day at lunch. How they laughed together, cried together, felt together. How Miss Jauregui would wake Miss Cabello up every morning with a glass of orange juice ready because the other didn’t like coffee. The students thought they knew more about what was happening than they did. So they purposely teased the two teachers, thinking they were sly with their smug faces and crude, accusing, or hinting remarks. The two women knew the game the kids were playing.

So, as Camila Cabello received a text while writing something on the board in her Spanish class full of teenagers, a smartass Junior thought he would play the ongoing game. Camila picked up her phone to glance at it and a grin plastered on her face. He took his chance.

“What’s Up, Miss C? Got a special message from a certain English teacher?” The class all turned their attention to the two.

The teacher hid her bashfulness only mediocarely. “Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, it’s none of your business, Jarod. Get back to work.” Apparently a few of the students thought that was the biggest diss they had ever heard, because there was a chorus of ‘ooh’s. The Spanish teacher couldn’t help but feel almost proud.

The boy only smirked. He obviously wasn’t about to give up. “Oh, come on. We’re all friends here. You can tell us.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes at the boys antics. “Okay, we’re all friends. You want to tell us all about every detail of your personal life, then?”

“I just asked a simple question. It can’t be that hard to answer.”

The older woman leaned against the front of her desk, almost as if she was half-assed sitting on it, and folded her arms of her chest. This was the stance she took on when she wanted to seem more intimidating. “You’re really pushing it.”

“Pushing what? Oh, come on, it’s not like it’s a secret or anything. We all know there’s something going on between the two of you.”

Camila couldn’t hide the shock nor the blush on her cheeks. People always hinted at it, but nobody ever out right  said it like that. All eyes were on them to find out what was about to happen. All thoughts about completely the work that had been handed out was forgotten.


A girl named Jackie hesitantly spoke as well, a lot more cautious and quiet than the boy. “He - he’s not lying, Miss C. It’s been going on for, like, over a year now. You don’t have to be embarrassed to tell us or something.”

Shit. She realized she had brought this upon herself. From the moment she stepped foot in this school she had vowed to make sure her students felt comfortable with her. She had always told them she was there if they needed anything. She wanted that personal bond, so it was honestly just a matter of time before this happened.

Just as the teacher was trying to think of something to say back to the class, there was a knock on the door. Seconds later a head peeked in. Oh great.

“Speak of the devil!" Jarod piped up almost excitedly. It only deterred the green-eyed woman for a moment, noticing her girlfriend’s flushed face, before she spoke. "I, uh, I was running down to the office and I was just wondering if you had anything you wanted to make copies of or something. You know, since I’m going to be down there.”

“Yeah, because that’s what every teacher does.” Another boy said only loud enough for everyone to hear.

“This isn’t a very good time Laur- um - Miss Jauregui.” The looks on the faces of the kids showed that they didn’t miss her little slip.

The other teacher, always being the more confident and snarky when it came to these situations, just smirked. “Ah, I see. The Camren Chronicles going on in here too?” That had been a name the students came up with when they wanted to be under the radar when talking about the women. It didn’t take long for them to find it out. 

The blush on Camila’s face only spread and she looked down, hoping her hair would cover it.

“Will you guys just admit it already? This is getting really tiring.” Another kid added her input. Lauren was thrown slightly off track. Apparently since it was finally thrown out of the bag, no one was bothering to shove it back in.

“Admit what?” Lauren asked, although she knew full well.

“That you guys are getting it on between classes.” And there was Jarod again. Camila was seriously contemplating giving him Saturday detention for the rest of the school year.

“Getting it on?” Lauren repeated, surprised he would put it so bluntly. She got side-tracked by the thought of 'getting it on’ with the woman, swallowing thickly when she remembered she was in a room full of her students.

“Oh, they’re totally fucking.” A student whispered to another thinking the women couldn’t hear. They did, though, but both acted as if they didn’t.

Lauren regained her composure. Well, it might as well come out now. “What’s there to admit if you guys already know?”

The class erupted, but it didn’t help cover Camila’s shriek of “Lauren!” after what she said.

“What?” They all quieted down again to hear the couple interact. “It’s not like we’re subtle. You’re not so good at hiding things, Cabello.”

The brown-eyed woman groaned. “They’re not going to get any work done, now, Jauregui.

Lauren was standing completely inside the room now. She was way too comfortable for Camila’s liking. “Eh, it’s just Spanish. It’s not like it’s something they need.”

Camila rolled her eyes. She couldn’t stay mad at Lauren for long, not when she was grinning the way that she was. “Just go make your stupid photo copies. We’ll discuss this later.”

The class was hooked on the exchange now muttering things like 'someone’s in trouble’ and 'that’s probably code for sex’ with a few 'I’d like to watch them discuss’s.

“Ooh, I love it when you get all dominant. I’ll see you at home, then, Camz.” The older woman left then with a wink. Damn Lauren Jauregui and her lack of caring about rules and consequences.

“Home? You guys live together?" 

"Camz! She called you Camz!”

“Is that like a nickname?”

“But guys, they literally live together.”

“I can’t believe they finally admitted it!”

And damn her students for crossing over that blurred line of acceptable behavoir in a classroom. Although, she couldn’t help but feel relieved by it all. Happy. Well, this was a start of a new era. She better get prepared.

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