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Lauren stumbled down the stairs to where most of the party was taking place. She had already downed more liquor than she could handle but that didn’t stop her from getting another drink. As her foot planted on the bottom step, she spun to the direction of the kitchen and dragged her fingertips on the walls to try and keep her balance. The music was blaring throughout the house and smoke clouded the surroundings making it hard for her to find where she was going. On the way she bumped into people, none of which showed concern except for one.

“Dude, you okay?” A faint voice uttered to her left.

The green-eyed girl turned her head and found a petite brunette with the most alluring brown orbs staring at her worriedly. Even from the dusky hallway, she was still able to make out those eyes. She giggled and placed the palm of her hand on the girl’s face.

“Of course, I am. Don’t worry cutie, I can take care of myself.” She husked before patting the brunette’s face and continuing her way to the kitchen. Her words were disproved when she failed to take a proper step forward. Luckily, the other girl had quick reflexes and was able to catch her.

“Woah. Careful,” Lauren heard the stranger say before she felt a hand on her waist. “I got you.”

 She glanced at the brunette and smiled dopily. “What’s your name?”

“Camila.” The girl answered monotonously as she scanned the room as if she was in search for somebody. “Shit.” She muttered softly with a perplexed look on her face, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and lips apart, then turned to Lauren. “Um, did you go here with someone?”

“Yup!” Lauren hummed.

“Can you describe them for me?” Camila asked.

“She’s um, the same height as me… maybe taller?” The pale girl recalled. “I forgot what she was wearing… I think heels with a tight dress.”

Camila looked around to find a fit to the minimal details that was given to her and groaned when she saw most of the girls in the party wearing the same pieces of clothing.

“Fuck.” She mumbled to herself. She ran her free hand through her brown locks and scratched her head. “Can you give me anymore details?”

“Nope! I don’t know you.” Lauren replied innocently. “You could be a serial killer out to get me and Mani. O, o, or like a spy!”

Camila raised an eyebrow at the girl’s guesses. She ignored the insinuations but couldn’t help but give credit to how inventive they were. Instead she grabbed on to the name that Lauren had let slip out her mouth.

“Mani? Normani Kordei?” The brunette queried, a small hint of eagerness in her tone.

“Oh shit!” Lauren exclaimed. “How’d you know that? You are a spy aren’t you!”

“Yeah definitely. Let’s get you some water.” Camila let out a small chuckle then proceeded to assist Lauren to the kitchen.

“Are you like set to kill her or something?” The other girl carried with her theory.


“No? Then what? Are you like the good spy that protects her from like the drug lords and assassins after her?”

Camila looked at Lauren briefly, “you watch a lot of movies don’t you?”


“Well you shouldn’t believe everything you see in movies.”

“Why not?”

“Because they aren’t real and are most times overly exaggerated.”

“They could be of some use in the real world!” Lauren insisted. She winked at Camila and smiled slyly. “So you what’s your codename, huh?”

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