Blind Date

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“If she’s gross I won’t stay for dessert,” Camila huffs, narrowing her eyes out the window of the car. “I can’t believe you and Normani convinced me to do this.”

“Will you stop whining like that?” Dinah responds with an eye roll that is entirely evident to Camila, despite the opposite direction of her eyes. “Do you really think I would do that to you?” Dinah frowns.

“What, set me up with someone crude?” Camila counters with an edge, “I remember a certain brunette. She was like fallen out of a cove. Actually, I remember quite a few of those.” 

“Hey, don’t you dare blame me for them! It’s not my fault Normani has some mental friends.” Dinah whines argumentatively and this time Camila rolls her eyes.

“Sure.” She mumbles annoyed, leaning the side of her head on the car-window.

“But this time’s different. Knowing Ally, her friend can’t be anything but a ball of sunshine.” Dinah reasons with a chuckle.

Camila thinks it over. Perhaps Dinah’s right and the date won’t be so terrible. After all, she hasn’t been out in such a long time, and dealing with one of Ally’s merrily friends for one night should be a piece of cake compared to the last couple of disaster dates.

But of course, as Camila walks into the restaurant, she starts to regret the whole thing. It is so stupid that she needs help from her friends to find a date. 
All of them probably pity her for being the only single one left in their respectable group. 

Truth is, so does Camila. She just hates to admit that perhaps she’s the problem. Maybe girls in general aren’t that difficult to handle, but she’s the one doing it all wrong.

Looking around the restaurant, Camila’s nerves kick in. Her palms are sweaty and her gaze flickers around anxiously.

Why can’t she be like one of those confident girls with not a worry in the world?

“May I help you?” The host addresses her, greeting her with a polite gaze.

The woman dressed in professional black probably notices her nerves, and Camila can’t help but think maybe she’s feeling a bit sorry for her too.

“Yes please.” Camila smiles carefully. “I’ve a reservation for two.”

“Name?” The woman smiles.

Camila hesitates, “um… Jauregui?” She attempts, unsure what name her friends have them booked under.

Luckily, the woman lifts her gaze and smiles at her, reaching her arm out in gesture, “this way, Miss Jauregui.” 

Camila stops herself from correcting the woman’s mistake. There is really no point in doing so, she concludes as she takes a seat at the table.

Unfortunately, Lauren’s not here yet, which means she has plenty of time to get even more nervous.

She runs her eyes down herself one more time. Ugh, the plain black dress Dinah and Normani has her convinced to go with is looking slightly undressed in comparison to the long ball dresses and tight up suits surrounding her.

She shuffles her legs, anxiety creeping upon her. She has no idea what Lauren looks like, but after the description from Dinah, and she quotes directly - Lauren is ‘ridiculously attractive’. 

Camila’s not accustomed to people who are thatattractive, which is maybe why she’s so nervous. Sure, some of the girls she has dated have been pretty. None of them have ever fallen under the category ‘ridiculously’ though. 

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