Fire Escape (1/2)

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”I heard the cold wind say

”You’re a fool to stay”

but I did, yes I did.”

Camila was resting her head on the chest of the woman she spent the night with. Not only one night, almost every night, for the past two years.

But that is it. The night.

”I see you bite your bottom lip,

Can you feel my kisses on your hips?”

Lauren and her met on a coffee shop, Camila was minding her own business, drinking her latte and reading something on her phone when someone took a seat in front of her, on the other side of her booth. She was quite scared at first that the woman suddenly showed up and started staring at her with those eyes, those deep, sexy, green eyes. She was so well spoken and charming, Camila was quickly hooked and didn’t even realized it. The way she looked at her, the way her gaze made Camila’s heart skip some beats, the way her hands, her elegant and delicate hands, that were occasionally tossing her long dark hair to the side, kept stroking the edge of the table, the tone of her voice, deep and smooth, her laugh, her cleavage, her collarbone. They talked that day and Lauren asked Camila’s number, what she didn’t refuse to pass. Nowadays she thinks that would’ve been better for both of them if she hadn’t had.

Camila accepts what they have because is the only way she finds to keep Lauren coming back to her, she accepts to be the woman’s distraction. At least is that what she thinks she is sometimes. Lauren works in a big company, she has an image to maintain and the best way of doing that is not showing up anywhere with Camila, so she does it with her boyfriend of many years, roommate and, probably, future fiancé.

Since the day that they exchange numbers, Camila feels a connection towards Lauren, even if the woman is not hers completely. Their complicated relation started after a few weeks of their first meeting, and Lauren was the one that made it happen, but after that Camila couldn’t stop thinking about the green eyes, about her touch, about her lips. She had never accepted to keep herself on a secret relationship, even worse, with a person that was already compromised with someone else, but with Lauren is different. She can’t differ, she can’t change or just forget what Lauren makes her feel, whether is with her words or her touch.

That is exactly what hurts her chest in many ways. The thought that she’ll probably never be able to walk around holding hands with the woman she’s in love, that she’ll never wake up to her peaceful still asleep face, at least not when the morning sun is shining through the window. Lauren always leaves a couple hours, or even minutes, after Camila falls asleep. She knows all that, but she can’t end things, she’s too weak to do that. Even also knowing that keep going with it will only be more painful in the end.

That’s what Lauren does to her, makes her reason to don’t listen to her thoughts, at least not the wise ones.

Camila tries to stay awake sometimes to avoid Lauren from leaving, but she almost never accomplishes that. She knows the young woman wouldn’t like to sneak out of the bed with her still awake. Lauren also knows that if Camila watched her leaving the apartment in the middle of the night over and over, she’d probably give up on her, move on to a healthier relationship maybe, and Lauren doesn’t like those options, so she’s relieved somehow that the brown eyed girl doesn’t win her heavy eyelids and always falls asleep in her arms before the dawn.

Camila is also a well centered woman, she’s not a popular and public figure as much as Lauren, but she has a consistent job in one of the biggest news paper of the city, her readers are devoted and that’s enough for her. She has her own apartment, her own life and money to buy everything she needs, that is not very much, she’s not attached to material things anyway. The only thing missing is someone to share that, day and night.

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