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“Hey pretty lady, you look like you need a healthy dose of vitamin C.” Camila waggled her eyebrows, sliding up next to Lauren’s locker, where the girl was putting away her books.

“Really? That’s the best you’ve got?” Lauren rolled her eyes, shutting the metal door and turning toward the girl.

“Not a chance. The day has barely begun, and I’m just getting started, cutie,” Camila winked, shifting the SnapBack on her head ever so slightly.

“Good God, she’s still on this?” Normani sighed as she joined them, catching the last of Camila’s statement.

“Unfortunately,” Lauren answered, beginning the walk to class with the girls following close behind.

“Don’t be jealous, Normani,” Camila nudged her shoulder.

“I’ll try to contain myself,” Normani deadpanned.

Once at lunch, Lauren and Normani barely had a moment to themselves before Camila plopped down next to her favorite girl to pester, Dinah and Ally in tow.

“Is it hot in here, or is it just you?” Camila propped her head on one hand, smiling goofily at Lauren.

“Don’t make me fight you, Cabello,” Lauren warned.

“Oi mate, you wanna go?” Camila asked in a ridiculously exaggerated Cockney accent, putting up her fists mockingly.

“Yeah,” Lauren agreed.

“On a date? Ha! Gotcha!” Camila cheered with a fist pump.

“Camila. Listen to me, very closely: you are not clever for tricking me into a date. I’m already your girlfriend, you freaking moron. You can just say that you want to take me out. You don’t have to charm me into anything,” Lauren explained slowly to the grinning girl.

“So you admit I’m charming, eh?” Camila smirked, puffing out her chest with pride.

“Maybe, but you’re also the biggest dork I’ve ever met,” Lauren elaborated, snatching Camila’s SnapBack off her head and adjusting it onto her own.

“I’m your dork, though,” Camila replied cheekily, running a hand through her hair.

“That you are,” Lauren agreed, straddling her girlfriend and pressing their foreheads together.

“Oh my God, can we please get through one lunch without me wanting to puke out what I just ate!” Dinah interrupted.

“You should get that checked out,” Ally giggled.

“They aren’t even paying attention to y'all,” Normani informed them, gesturing to the couple that was heavily preoccupied with each other’s mouths.

“Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello, in my office now!” The sharp voice of the principal echoed through the cafeteria, startling the girls. With red faces, they slipped away from the table and followed him, ignoring the girls’ cackling.

“Curses, foiled again!” Camila shook her head jokingly, earning a slap on the arm from Lauren.

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