Spring Break

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Camila sighed contently as she put her school bag down and laid on the couch, finally it was spring break. Don’t get her wrong, she loves college, but after working so hard to pass all her classes, she also definitely is need of a break. She knew exactly the way she was going to spend it, right there on the couch, watching some Spongebob and maybe the occasional movie with her roommates. She never really does anything exciting for spring break, going home to Miami is out of question, that would be the opposite of relaxing; her parents would just be nagging her about her schoolwork and her little sister is going through a phase where she is “too cool” for Camila. Camila didn’t mind staying in her cozy apartment for a week, she was not much of a party girl, she’s already a sophomore and has yet to even gone to one college party, she was perfectly fine with spending time alone and always had her annoying roommates for when she was getting too lonely.

Speaking of her roommates, Camila peaked one of her eyes open when she heard the door slam, she quickly got up when she heard sobs coming toward her. Dinah had her arm around a sobbing Ally as they slowly made their way to the couch. “What happened? What’s wrong, Allycat?” Camila worriedly asked, alarmed to see her best friend in such a state.

“Broy dada,” Ally mumbled in Dinah’s shirt.

“Shh girl, you’re speaking gibberish,” Dinah said as she rubbed Ally’s back. “I’ll explain, you just, relax,” Ally mumbled more gibberish in what Dinah assumed was agreement. Dinah then looked towards Camila as she sighed, “Ally has reason to believe that Troy is cheating on her,” she explained, the mention of it made Ally squeal and sob harder.

Camila was completely bewildered as she replied, “What? What makes you think that?”

Dinah stopped Ally from trying to answer, quickly replying, “He’s been distant this whole week and now, apparently, the asshole is already on a flight to Miami. He didn’t even tell Ally about going there! His friend accidentally told her about it!”

“Oh Ally,” Camila sympathetically cooed, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl, sandwiching the girl between her and Dinah. The group strayed in the embrace until Ally’s sobs started to die down.

She sniffed as she weakly spoke up, in English this time, “It’s alright guys, I’m just going to br-break up with him when he comes back.”

Camila nodded, her own eyes getting watery, Troy and Ally were such a power couple and it’s weird to see it end so abruptly, “That’s all you can do,” she softly replied.

“Bullshit,” Dinah said as she unwrapped her arms around the girls, standing up in front of them, “There’s something else you could do.”

And that’s how Camila ended up on a plane to Miami. Dinah somehow managed to make it all happen. Getting plane tickets and booking rooms in a hotel right by where Troy would supposedly be, Camila’s pretty sure that her and Dinah just spent all the money they have saved from their crappy minimum waged jobs; but it was for Ally, so it was all worth it. Camila told herself that, this was for Ally, she didn’t have to engage in the turbulent spring breaker lifestyle and wasn’t planning too. She was hoping to just avoid it, hoping.

Ally had been on the phone arguing with Troy ever since they got off the plane, she acted as if she had no idea of him going to Miami, and definitely didn’t mention that she was there too. Camila looked out the hotel window, it was located right near the beach so she had the perfect view of the couple hundred scantily clad college students pouring alcohol all over eachother. This is going to be so much fun, she sarcastically told herself.

“So what’d he say?” Dinah inquired after Ally hung up the phone.

“He was apologizing for not telling me,” Ally replied with a roll of her eye.

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