Counting the Stars

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“You look like shit.” A husky voice rings out from the corner of the hospital room as Camila takes slow steps to her bed with the help of a nurse.

“Really?” Camila coughed, gasping at the sharp pain it caused in her ribcage, “I thought that returning from radiotherapy was the new hot thing in town?” There was sarcasm leaking through each of her slowly said words.

“I’ll be right back with some pills.” The nurse states once Camila is all cuddled up in the blankets.

“Do you feel like puking?” Her ‘roommate’ (if she can even call her that considering they’re both in the hospital for very serious reasons) asks, closing the book in her lap and tossing it to the side. Camila groans and closes her eyes, attempting to stop the soreness that was bothering her all over her body.

She curls up into a ball, “Possibly.” Camila mumbled. Lauren flashes her a worried look and reaches for the waste bin, placing it besides Camila’s bed.

“Sit up.”

“Noooo.” The younger one protests.

“Camila.” Lauren’s tone was stern and Camila whined, sitting up. Lauren sits next to the girl, tugging the long brown hair away from her face and into a bun. Camila makes a face and Lauren ignores the fact that she knows Camila doesn’t like putting her hair up because it shows the scars of where she had surgery to remove the brain tumor.

“You don’t want puke in your hair, do you?” Lauren asks in an annoyed voice but she’s anything but annoyed at Camila.

The nurse returns with a glass of water and a couple of painkillers, “The doctor told me to only give you these two for now.” Camila is about it stuff both pills down her throat but the nurse stops her, “One is for now and one is for before you go to sleep.”

Camila grumbles under her breath before downing one pill and placing the other pill on the bedside table.

“Lauren, can you watch her? I’ve got to go visit another patient.”

Lauren smiles, “Sure. Go ahead.”

As the nurse closes the door, Lauren feels a weight on her shoulder, “I have a headache.”

“You’re gonna puke soon.” Lauren states, leaning down and bringing the waste bin up. Camila takes hold of the bucket, pulling it between her legs as she attempts to get a little rest while leaning on Lauren.

“This sucks.”

“I know, Camz.” Lauren answers simply, pressing her lips into a thin line, “But it’d be worth it. Trust me.”

Camila looks up with her large brown eyes, “You think so?”

“I know so.” Lauren replies confidently. Camila gives a grin that Lauren had only seen on the few days that Camila wasn’t sentenced to chemo or radio or any medical related thing that made her feel bad even though it was for the good. Lauren loved that little grin.

“You better not throw up on me.” Lauren warns lightheartedly and Camila lifts her head up and off of Lauren’s shoulders.

“You’re a douchebag.” Camila narrows her eyes at Lauren, “Just wait until your chemo.”

Lauren rolls her eyes, trying to not let Camila’s reminder of her upcoming chemotherapy session dampen her relatively good mood, “Please just throw up so you can go to sleep.”

“You mean so that you can go to sleep and I have to stay up listening to you snore?”

"Same thing.”

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