It's Just A Picture

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“Are we really fighting right now?” Lauren huffed as she combed through her hair.

Camila glared at the older girl and bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from saying anything she would regret.

“Camz…” Lauren sighed taking a step towards Camila.

“If you know what’s good for you, don’t take another step.” The younger Latina gritted through her teeth. She shook her head side to side and brought her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “I just… I don’t get it Lauren. It’s okay for youto post a picture of some girl you just met and show it to the whole world but when someone even whispers Camren you lose your shit. I’m your girlfriend! Are you embarrassed to be with me or something?”

The older girl furrowed her brows and dropped her shoulders. She definitely screwed up this time. She didn’t think Camila would mind if she posted a picture of Maia in her Instagram, it was a good photo of the girl and she needed to post something. But Camila did have a point with the whole Camren thing.

“Camz, I’m trying.” Lauren said weakly her voice laced with remorse. “I’m trying not to snap at our fans when they yell our name. I’m trying to interact with you more in interviews. I’m trying to be more comfortable with all the attention I get when I’m with you. I’m trying, ok?”

“If you’re trying to make us work then why the fuck would did you do this?” Camila snapped flailing her hands up. “You completely shattered and destroyed everything you built after posting this. I know you said you weren’t ready and I can understand that but really?! Maia fucking Mitchell on Instagram? Might as well make her your girlfriend. For god sakes, Lau-“

“IT’S A FUCKING PICTURE, CAMILA!” The green-eyed girl cut in, her eyes fiery with anger. She had to admit it was stupid of her for doing what she had done but she didn’t deserve this. She took a sharp inhale to collect herself before locking eyes with her girlfriend. “It’s just a picture.”

“Camila! Lauren! Let’s go, it’s showtime!” Dinah banged on the door. It was their turn to perform for the LA Pride 2015 Festival and some fight isn’t going to stop them from giving it their all. They stared at each other briefly before Camila turned her heels and walked away from the girl.

“Can we talk about this later?” Lauren grabbed Camila’s wrist stopping the girl’s tracks.

Camila tilted her head slightly to the side, “What else is there to talk about? It’s just a picture, remember.” She spat using Lauren’s words against her. She yanked her arm from Lauren’s grip and continued to the door. The older girl followed closely as her girlfriend opened the door and greeted Dinah with a fake smile.

“Ready?” The Tongan asked.

“I’ve been ready.” Camila remarked slightly directing it towards Lauren. She brushed past Dinah strutting down the pathway to the stage. Dinah glanced at the green-eyed girl questioningly.

“Trouble in paradise?” She chuckled shaking her head.

“More like a shipwreck.” Lauren scoffed as they trailed behind Camila.

“I feel you, Lauser.” Dinah replied draping her arm around Lauren’s shoulder as they walked together to the stage. “I feel yah.”


The girls had their mics safely tucked underneath the costumes they wore pacing around to make sure it didn’t come loose. They ran some vocal warm ups as they waited to be introduced. Camila was still ignoring the older girl and chose a spot farthest from Lauren. One of the staff members tapped Camila’s shoulder and gave her the ‘go’ signal. She nodded before plastering on a big grin then sauntering on stage.

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